OK, so I can just add that function into my existing script and just change the form field name i.e.:<script src="//go.autoshopsolutions.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js "></script>
I am trying to pre-populate a field on an embedded form. I read through this article and it seemed straightforward.https://nation.marketo.com/t5/knowledgebase/setting-or-getting-a-...
I updated the code, but it is still defaulting to the same "stay on page" action.<script src="//go.autoshopsolutions.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.min.js "></script>
<form id="mktoForm_3...
I checked the page, there is nothing I can see there. My form is defaulted to stay on page, so it feels like it is ignoring my choices and going straight to the default option.This...
I am setting that on the form, you can see my choices here:And the value is coming in on the form submission:But it is not redirecting. It just stays on the page.
I am not fluent in JS, but was trying to create an embed script to put a form on an outside page, while also allowing the CTA to be changed, as well as re-directing the thank you p...
The goal was to embed this form on an external page, the second part is to allow for changing the submit button, and the bottom piece was designed to change the Thank You page base...
@SanfordWhitemanI found this and was attempting to use it on our instance, but it is causing issues. I am not sure if I broke the code trying to compile it. I am getting two forms ...