Our company website has hundreds of blog pages. We have created Marketo programs for each of these blogs. The program uses a channel with just one status called 'Engage'. Each prog...
I'm looking for some best practices around uploading leads on Marketo to create specific audience lists for pulling into engagement streams.
What is the best process for pulling e...
Thank you very much for these steps. These are great! Aboutdata governance policy, is there anything specific to Marketo that was developed or someone has shared insights into? Tha...
Thank you. In the smart campaign, how can I set up a condition for not changing the source of these leads which are from CRM. This is specially when I'm importing leads. If I'm imp...
I'm working on a long term, sustainable data management plan for our Marketo instance. I thought I saw an article/post here on this topic, but I cannot find it anymore. Perhaps I'm...
We are building an exclusion list with all competitor email domains. This list will filter out all competitor leads entering our database both via form fills for download fo...
Thank you for your response. I concur with the approach you've recommended. Additionally, do you advise that leads not yet meeting the MQL criteria due to an insufficient score sho...
I apologize for the initial lack of clarity in my question. I'm seeking clarification on the use of a generic user in Marketo and SF. This pertains not only to recycled leads but a...