I don't know what's going on but this is driving me nuts! I have a boolean field and I want to put a radio button on a form for it but no matter what value I pass on the back end i...
Justin Cooperman - THAT DID IT!!! I had tried free typing in the token and then using the token inserter. Drove me bonkers....I feel like I should know how to enter a token...Than...
We'll need to set up some time to walk through this as there's a bit of a process. Lauren and I both work for the same company so we have similar LP templates which makes it a bit ...
Is it possible to customize the Unsub for individual email templates? I have a special event coming up that only affects a small portion of our DB and I'd like to offer those membe...
However, doing this will not register as "Filled out Form" so if your workflow drives off that action you lose out. In fact, if you use the "Known Lead" the only way to see what ha...
I'm finding issues on PURLS going back to 2014 with little resolve.I'm working on an internal program where an alert is sent to a rep with a link that needs to tie information on a...