they don't own the account, just the lead).When you import into Marketo net new records, the default object that the record is created in is the lead object. In the lead object the...
Try actually sending the email to yourself and seeing the result in the smart campaign if it says email delivered or if there's a bounced reason. You'll need to add yourself to the...
An alternative is to use smart campaigns and to fire off webhooks to your own marketo forms endpoint while copying the data from your custom fields to primary fields
Unfortunately Marketo doesn't come with certain pre-built features like Hubspot does, a pre-built preference centre being one.We spent a good couple of days setting up and testing ...
The mobile version should pre-fill according to how you described it. If you clicked the mobile link immediately (like 1 second) after filling out the form on desktop, you may have...
Might be worth writing apex code to copy the value from the custom object's field to a lead object field on create and update which then syncs as per normal with Marketo.Actually, ...
Try using smart campaigns to set default UTM values for each lead ad form. Get campaign level reporting off utm values A pain in the backside to upkeep until Facebook can send utm ...