Yes if you have a "thank you" page that people are redirected to after using the tool, that will work too and it would be the least effort required.I'd like to add though, since it...
Like Sandford, I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by "sending email as a browser", but I'm going to take a guess at what you meant and try to explain:Microsoft outlook ...
What are you using for the "registration" form and the "tool" form? Regardless, the users will need to be cookied and in the case your "tool" is an app or external form, you'll nee...
Just sharing... I've done a similar project in the past where instead each user in the external app had a unique ID, which was created upon registration and sent to Marketo via API...
So, we are trying to capture all the URLs which are call to action in those email asset.You can use a smart list or smart campaign and use the filter or trigger for link clicks wit...
That's a valid point. Answer would be, have a double opt-in system to send the opt-in email. Smart campaign trigger "Email is delivered" flow => change data value "Valid Email = Tr...
If you don't even want the user to click a button, you can use dynamic content with a segment for "email address is not empty". Dynamic content is only functional in Marketo landin...