If you're going to be using the info in smart campaigns and flows, you'll need to use apex or a process builder to copy the field values from the customer object to the contact or ...
I tried changing those values on the lead record but I didn't see the touchpoint dates change in the reports...Give it a try and let me know how you go though.
While good to be thorough, I was already 99% sure, based the OP's reply, that the issue is to related to their email server set up. In addition, the OP wrote:I never had to use the...
You could have stream 1 with email 1 and stream 2 with email 2, 3 and 4.Then it'd be a matter of setting up smart campaigns:1. If leads generated by "non dev focused event" start i...
If Gmail or Hotmail can receive sample emails and it's not going into their spam, then there's nothing wrong with Marketo, or most likely your email template.Next - send a "live te...
Things to check:1. Is the contact associated to the opportunity through a contact role? - look in the activity log of the person you are testing and check if there is an Added t...
There could be many factors at play. First thing to try - have you tried sending a sample to gmail or hotmail inboxes? check in the spam folder as well
can you please provide a screenshot of: 1. section of an activity log containing the errorand2. dialog of the activity containing all the detailsyou can redact any sensitive inform...