Hi Yifat,Looks like Greg's got this. If you really care about the lead visiting separate pages, you could consider 'grouping' your pages into categories. For example, if you were r...
Try checking your campaign queue next time as well. If you have a lot going on, it might just be a bit overloaded/backed up. Did the campaign take 15 minutes to populate anything i...
I don't believe RCE inherently supports this functionality, but I know the pain points that come from having those out of order. For my workaround, my first column is always "inflo...
True - you can always use segment rule logic to include unknown leads (who haven't filled out the form) OR known leads who haven't.Also, we use an RTP Grouping field to keep our DB...
Thanks Edward!I went with a similar approach to your suggestion and it helped streamline the process. It's a bit clunky still but I'm a huge believer in documentation and I think w...
I'm setting up a new engagement program with child programs instead of emails as the base. One of the sub-programs contains an email about Product A. I want to exclude anyone who h...
Hey Rachel,Try a Lead Performance Report with custom columns or a Campaign Activity Report. You can subscribe to a report or smart lists themselves pretty easily.Rachel