Hi Miki, can you provide some more detail on what you are trying to accomplish? Are you attempting to score leads based on behavior using insights from customer behavioral data, an...
If you have their email addresses (which hopefully you do if you're going to import them!) you can create a smart list with "email address is" and plug in all the emails from your ...
Yikes, yep you definitely don't want a 1:1 program-to-video bijection. Do you have to track the successes via program successes for individual videos in order to obtain ROI reporti...
Email Performance Report - Marketo Docs - Product Docs :This number is calculated by subtracting the number of emails Delivered, Bounced, and Soft Bounced from the total number Sen...
Hey Aaron, I know this was a while ago but I was curious if you had any success with this (or if you used an outside solution, if you have any recommendations). Thanks!
Try not to fret! If you are familiar with Marketo and know how to accomplish your desired outcomes, you will be fine. Getting a good night's sleep the night before makes a world of...
Interesting. If this is an ongoing report, it might actually work in Marketo with a Web Page Activity report. You could create a different report for each segment and dump it into ...