Piggy-backing off Christina's comment - also be aware of cross-sell opportunities. Do you sell different products to the different industries? If so, and if you have a customer in ...
Hi Victoria,All forms live in either the Design Studio or Marketing Activities. If you navigate to the Design Studio and click on "Forms" (don't expand it), you'll see a list of al...
This will work. You might want to consider adding those who received the email to one list and the rest of the group to a separate list to make reporting easier in the future. Then...
First - be super careful that they know it's a live instance so they don't turn anything on/off, edit existing campaigns/programs, etc. I'm sure you've thought of that but it would...
How about different streams within an engagement program that (if it makes sense) have the same content but different cadences. If someone fills out the form and says they'd like t...
CASL applies to Commercial electronic messages. A commercial electronic message is defined as:“A message whose purpose is to encourage participation in a commercial activityCASL do...