I think what Kristy and Bill are both noting is that Person Score is not automatically calculated by Marketo. Instead, you should adjust the person score accordingly every time you...
You can just type in whatever you want, even if it's not in the pick list, and it will change the data value. Once that value is populated for at least one lead (i.e. after you typ...
Can you add a screenshot of your scoring campaign? Likely you can set up your scoring campaign to exclude these emails:However I'll also have to agree with Dan Stevens on this one...
Hi Takehiro,In your images, it looks like the first 5 all have options to "Approve" (the green check) an email. The bottom tow do not have that option, but do have an unapprove opt...
Look on the left side pane. If the light bulb is yellow, your campaign is active. If it is gray, your campaign is inactive. And if it looks like a clock, then it is a scheduled bat...
We've haven't personally but a few of our customers have in the past few weeks.Today I watched someone upload a list of 1 person and it took about 8 minutes.
Hey Teresa,Will you look in your campaign queue to make sure there are no leads remaining in that campaign? You can find it by going to Marketing Activities and then clicking on th...