Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

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Level 10

Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

Hi all,




I'd like to create a specific TY page experience for a specific range of email address domains. Let's say: Competitors. I assume I could add as many choices as I have email address domains, but that looks terrifyingly clumsy to me. Any cool idea how to achieve that?


And secondly: These choices are only based on fields that are actually submitted with the form. Is there any way to create an outside-of-the-form experience as in "Is Member of Smart List" e.g.?





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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

 You can deploy custom a form JS to accomplish this. Below is the sample code FYR.


<script src="//"></script>
  MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "xxx-xxx-xxx", <form-id>, function(form) {
    form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) {
    	var vals = form.vals();
        if (vals.Email.includes("@example1") || vals.Email.includes("@example2")) //include all the competitor domains
          location.href = ""; //Thank you page for Competitors        
        else {
        location.href = ""; //Success page for non-competitors    
      return false;


Hope this helps.

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Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

 You can deploy custom a form JS to accomplish this. Below is the sample code FYR.


<script src="//"></script>
  MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "xxx-xxx-xxx", <form-id>, function(form) {
    form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl) {
    	var vals = form.vals();
        if (vals.Email.includes("@example1") || vals.Email.includes("@example2")) //include all the competitor domains
          location.href = ""; //Thank you page for Competitors        
        else {
        location.href = ""; //Success page for non-competitors    
      return false;


Hope this helps.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

As a high-level approach, yes... but

  • that code isn’t compatible with IE, even though the form itself is, so submission will always fail; make sure to maintain compatibility unless specified otherwise (String#includes doesn’t exist on IE)
  • includes doesn’t correctly match the domain part of an email, you need a case-insensitive regexp
Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

Thank you, Sandy! I think indexOf("expression") would be a better alternative then! 🙂

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

Not quite. It has to be a regexp.





Level 10

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

Thank you very much for your help, gentlemen.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

And secondly: These choices are only based on fields that are actually submitted with the form. Is there any way to create an outside-of-the-form experience as in "Is Member of Smart List" e.g.?

Unfortunately no. Or I should say — not in a timely enough manner to be used in a Thank You page.


It’s possible to use people’s existing membership in lists to choose follow-up actions using custom JS, but the additional latency in waiting for net new people to be added to/qualify for lists wouldn’t work.

Level 2

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

Hi Sanford, 


Do you have any documentation for the JS needed to accomplish the follow up actions based on what you are describing below?


"It’s possible to use people’s existing membership in lists to choose follow-up actions using custom JS, but the additional latency in waiting for net new people to be added to/qualify for lists wouldn’t work."

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Marketo Form: Advanced Thank You Page Choices

Do you have any documentation for the JS needed to accomplish the follow up actions based on what you are describing below?


"It’s possible to use people’s existing membership in lists to choose follow-up actions using custom JS, but the additional latency in waiting for net new people to be added to/qualify for lists wouldn’t work."

There are a couple of methods. Easiest is to use a Marketo LP with segmented content. You set up a Segmentation whose Segments rely on a being a Member of List. The content can be as simple as

let listSegment = "VIP";

for the people in the Segment called VIP. (So you’re just echoing the list membership into a JS variable so you can do more stuff with it.)


Then you poll that LP repeatedly in an IFRAME, say every 250ms for 5s. until you get content from a non-Default Segment. Once you see non-Default content you know the person has been associated. Then phone back to the main doc using postMessage.


Alternately you could store someone’s list membership(s) in a flat field that you maintain using a trigger campaign (on Add to List/Remove from List) or some batches. But that requires a new field to keep in sync, while the Segmentation can look directly at list membership. Once you have the field you can include it as a {{lead.token}} and follow the same polling idea above.