🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Level 7

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Great work and answers @TarunMittal_12 😃


As we're in our last week of studying together, are there any areas of study that I can help you check your learning on? I'm happy to add an extra quiz question or three if it helps - I may set up an overall quiz this week that covers items from each section for extra practice. Alternatively, if there's anything I can help clarify for you now that you've made your way through the Exam Prep Guide, let me know!


Have you taken the practice test? If so, how did it go? Do you have your final exam booked too? 😊


I'm here to help however you need me to 

Level 2

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

@michellechopin Thank you for asking ‌🙂. An overall quiz that includes all the sections would be more helpful.

I have not taken the practice test due to my enclosed bandwidth. I'll take the practice tests once everything is in my schedule, probably on the next weekend. Also, I haven't scheduled the exam yet since I am waiting for the promo vouchers to be distributed 😃. I am planning to take the exam mostly in the 3rd or 4th week of July.

Thank you for all your support throughout the journey! 

Level 7

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

That all makes perfect sense, @TarunMittal_12!


I'll give other aspirants another day to answer the last quiz, and then will add an extra one to cover the each section so that people can use it to test their knowledge if they wish (it won't be a replacement for the Practice Exam though - the Adobe team does a much better job of that than I can!). 


Keep me posted if any questions come up and I'll tag everyone in the next/final quiz when it's ready!


Hope you're having a great week so far 😃

Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

@michellechopin , thanks for this week's quiz. Here are my response:


Q1. If you have an existing Revenue Cycle Model  that you want to replace, it's better to edit it vs. unapproving it.

  1. True

Q2. When you set up a Program Performance Report , you can see which programs are bringing in New Names. What is the definition of a New Name?

  1. The program was responsible for generating a new person

Q3. An Campaign Email Performance Report  shows all the Deliveries, Sends, Opens, Clicks, and Unsubscribes for specific emails. Where do you change the time frame for your report?

  1. Setup tab

Q4. What are the two ways you can group person reports  by?

  1. Attributes and Segments

Q5. How many segmentations can you group email reports  by?

  1. All of the above
Level 7

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Awesome work @Nihal 👏


Is there anything I can support you with in any of the study areas? I'm happy to customize a couple of questions for you or clarify anything that might need a little extra if it helps. 


Have you taken the practice exam? If so, how did that go? Have you booked your final exam too? 😊

Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

Hi @michellechopin , could you please help with this topic and sections?


1. Velocity scripting

2. Improve and best practices for Engagement programs

3. Look up fields


@michellechopin  could you please share a few quiz questions about the reporting and lead management sections?

Level 7

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

I'm always happy to help where I can, @Nihal! To each of your requests:


  • Velocity Scripting: I have only used the simplest of velocity scripting to pull in the copyright date on our emails (it saves us having to manually update the template each year) - is there something in particular that you are looking to learn? Note: This isn't a topic on this exam so you don't have to study it unless it's of personal interest! Here are some resources that might be of interest (one is a video from @TarunMittal_12's company, Grazitti Interactive:
  • Best Practices for Engagement Programs: I love the complexity and effort that goes into Marketo Engagement Programs, so a few of my recommended best practices would be:
    • Use Default Programs vs Emails within the Streams (emails are good if the nurture is simple and/or the content isn't likely to be used anywhere else) - not only can you prevent leads from getting content they might have seen before somewhere else, but it keeps your engagement program looking super tight and clean across the board
    • Don't remove leads from an engagement program - use Pause campaigns to stop leads from receiving content for a period of time; complement this with an Un-Pause or Reactivate campaign to restart those leads in the spot they left off should they return to Marketing (this saves you having to re-add a lead to a nurture program which would start them from the beginning, causing a strange user experience).
    • Set a Success for an Engagement program that makes sense - we don't assume that our engagement programs are going to generate MQLs because they're heavily tilted towards brand awareness but there's a chance that, while someone is in an engagement program, they could score up to MQL (depending on how your scoring is structured), so we consider a lead to be "Influenced" and a success in the engagement programs we run.
    • Set your cadence to be a long-term focus - unless you have a reason to speed things up, we generally tend to have ours set to a bi-weekly cadence to keep a steady drip of content to our leads but so as not to interfere with any other communications they might be receiving from us
    • Potentially exclude leads from other nurture programs if you think they might compete with one another or cause the lead to receive too many nurture emails - while your communication limits will stop a lead getting too many emails in general in a set period of time, you want to keep your messaging clear so it might be helpful to exclude leads from being pulled into multiple nurtures (you can exclude this in the "add to nurture" campaigns that you'd setup). This is different from Engagement Streams which naturally prevent a person from being in more than one at a time.
  • Lookup Fields: I've had a challenge with these in the past (I was trying to solve for a lookup field we use in Dynamics a couple of years ago) but I'm not sure if it still applies - we had to create a secondary text field that would write to the lookup field in Dynamics (at least I think that's how it worked). Now we use the Add to Dynamics Campaign option within Marketo alongside our lookup fields so not sure if the issue was resolved or this is just a workaround for it. Was there something specific you were looking for help with here? 
  • Reporting &  Lead Management Sections: I am going to put together an extra quiz for this final week (will likely do so tomorrow - Wednesday) that folks can take if they want to do any final knowledge testing - I'll include different questions from each section so hopefully I can help you with these specific areas (feel free to only answer those questions if that's where you're focusing your studies).

Appreciate you diving into the learning and your awesome questions 😀

Level 3

Re: 🗣️ [Mentor Michelle Chopin] 🌟 Adobe Marketo Engage Community Mentorship Program 2024 🌟

@michellechopin , thanks for the explanation and reference materials. Looking forward to this week's quiz.