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Issue Description You are trying to unapprove or delete an asset and get the following error: [Asset Name] is in use and cannot be deleted/unapproved Issue Resolution Marketo assets (such as emails, templates, forms, lists, smart lists, and programs) cannot be deleted while they are used or referenced by another asset.  If the error does not specify where the asset is being used or referenced, you can find this information in the Used By tab in the asset's summary page. For programs, you can find the Used By section in the program's View drop-down. The Used By section will show where the asset is in use, and you can click on the links to jump directly to that location. Once the asset is no longer referenced anywhere else in Marketo, it can be deleted.  If you are certain the asset is no longer in use but are still unable to delete it, please contact Marketo Support
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Issue You receive a DMARC report from an ISP saying that your email failed to pass the SPF alignment check, but when you check your SPF listing in Admin > Email > SPF/DKIM, SPF is verified. Solution The SPF record in Admin > Email > SPF/DKIM  is tied to your FROM domain.  DMARC alignment (using SPF) aligns the domain in the FROM address with the domain in the “return-path” address.  This “return-path” address, usually using a '*' domain, is generally unseen by recipients and directs email bounces and errors back to Marketo for processing.    Failed DMARC alignment, between these two domains, is what is triggering the failure your DMARC reporting.   DMARC compliance requires EITHER DKIM or SPF compliance, not both in most cases.  This article reviews the two methods available for DMARC alignment - Having DKIM DMARC alignment may be enough and you may not need to rely on full SPF DMARC alignment.   In order to set up SPF DMARC alignment, Branded Return-Path will allow you to align the “return-path” domain with your sending FROM address domain.  If you have a dedicated IP on the current pricing plan or are on the Trusted IP range, Marketo can brand your return path at no additional charge.  If you have a legacy Silver Dedicated IP package, or are on the Shared IP range, you can purchase the Branded Return Path as an add-on.   More technical info can be found here: What is DMARC? -
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Issue You have multiple domains for your landing page CNAMES and want to choose which one is used for a landing page. Solution First, you will need to make sure your secondary domains are set up with a CNAME and a domain alias. You don't choose a domain when creating the page.  All pages are created under the default/original landing page domain, but they're all available from all domain aliases as well. Swapping out the default domain with the domain alias in the URL will take you to the same page.  You find more detail on this here - Multiple Domains (CNAMEs) in a Single Marketo Instance  
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Issue After running a Smart Campaign to delete some records, you don't see any deletion activities in the Results tab.  It appears the campaign did not run. Solution If you ran a Smart Campaign to delete records and the only flow action is to 'Delete Person', you will not see any activities in the campaign results as these activities would be associated to the deleted records. This would lead to the impression that the campaign did not run, even when it did.   In order to check the status of the campaign or if the records were deleted, you can check the 'Run History' of the campaign to see if it has one of the following statuses: "Completed (number of people qualified)" "Running campaign - executing flow"   If the campaign is still running, you can also check the Campaign Queue to see if the campaign is still in the queue.
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Issue You have sent out an email, and the Link Performance and Email Performance reports are showing clicks on the unsubscribe link in the Clicked Link numbers.     Solution Typically Marketo automatically omits clicks on unsubscribes, but that only happens in certain situations. If the email has a link to the unsubscribe page hard-coded in the email (or template) HTML, Marketo will see it as a simple link, like any other link, and will include it in reporting as a Click Link activity.  Marketo will only automatically omit clicks on unsubscribe links when either the {{system.unsubscribeLink}} token or the default email footer is used in an email.  These links will will show up as Unsubscribes instead of link clicks.    
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Issue You have created a Smart List and want to filter off of the Lead ID.     Solution Marketo does not have this functionality to filter off of Lead IDs.  This is also true of Salesforce IDs. You can upvote an Idea on the Marketo Community  -  the Marketo Product Team monitors that forum for possible future updates. Filter by ID Filter by SFDC ID    
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Issue You would like to include the subject lines of your emails in your email performance reporting     Solution In the Email Performance report in Analytics, you cannot not add the subject line to the report. However if your instance has access to Revenue Explorer then you can create a report that includes subject line. Within Revenue Explorer create a new Email Analysis report. Email Subject is listed under Email Attributes, you can either include Email Subject as either a row or a column.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer    
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Issue You already have a Marketo connected to an instance of Salesforce and want to switch to a different instance of SFDC.     Solution This is not possible. Once you have connected your Marketo instance to an instance of SFDC, that connection cannot be changed. If you want to connect Marketo to a different instance of SFDC, you would need to contact your Customer Success Manager to have a new Marketo instance provisioned.        
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Issue Description You want to know how long changing a segment takes. Issue Resolution Segment changes are treated like any other activity that is being queued up and processed to be run. Segment changes have an extremely low priority and can sit in the queue waiting for other activities to finish, so you should wait for some time after making the change before you reference the segment elsewhere.
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Issue Description You recently passed the MCE and want to add the certification to your Community profile.   Issue Resolution Certification updates happen every 2 weeks, and your Community profile has to be filled out completely for the update to work. If you don't see your update within two weeks, please reach out to     Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue How to use the Web Page, Referrer URL, or Query String constraints to specify web page when using one form on multiple pages. Solution Use the appropriate constraint to specify which page the form is on when using a "Fills Out Form" trigger or "Filled Out Form" filter in a Smart List. There are three options: Web Page Referrer URL Query String   Web Page This constraint is designed for Marketo Landing Pages. If you have one form on multiple pages, and were attempting to specify a Marketo Landing Page, then you would use Web Page.  If you use Web Page, your value is the Landing Page asset name, such as "Global Contact Form Page". Or if the page is local to a program, the name format would be [program name].[landing page name]   Referrer URL This constraint is designed for external, non-Marketo pages. If the form you have is embedded on an external page, the value you would enter would be the URL of the page.This constraint is very picky about the values entered. Say the form is on Only the following 2 options would function: Referrer URL - is - Referrer URL - contains -   By using "is", the exact value must match. When using "contains" a smaller portion of the whole can be used. Even "contains" /contact-us would have worked successfully, but the less specific the value is the more other pages could qualify depending on the use case. Generally, "contains" is advised with a unique portion of the URL because there can often be querystrings on URLs that would then not satisfy the "is" constraint.   Querystrings If the form is on a page, and the page has a querystring, such as:, then the form submission activity on the Marketo record would have a new field in the Detail called Query Parameters. (Querystring, Query String, Query Parameters are all the same thing.) If you set up direct links to the Page with unique querystrings, then you would be able to use the Querystring constraint and use values from the querystring in the trigger/filter form fillout campaign.
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Issue Description You wish to use all features of Revenue Explorer reporting and need to set up your instance to pass the necessary information to RCE Issue Resolution In order to use all the features of Revenue Explorer, the following tasks should be completed. Each one notes the report type it applies to. 1.) Set relevant Channel Tags Analytics Behavior as 'Inclusive (regardless of Period Cost)' (all RCE analysis areas) 2.) Review and establish appropriate statuses and successes for relevant Channel Tags (Opportunity Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Cost Analysis) 3.) Ensure that the appropriate statuses are being set within the Marketing Programs' smart campaign flow. In other words, based on certain actions, changing the assigned program statuses to leads in some unified manner to ensure Success statuses are set for programs of the same Program Tag/Channel Tag. (Opportunity Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Cost Analysis) 4.) Assign Program Tags to programs to ensure accurate data in reporting. You can even assign past programs with current Tags, and the data will be made available to Revenue Explorer (bearing in mind the 24 hour sync delay of data) (Email Analysis; Program Membership Analysis; Program Cost Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis; Program Revenue Stage Analysis) 5.)Assign Period Costs to Marketing Programs based on the cost it takes to run the program. (Program Cost Analysis; Program Revenue Stage Analysis; Program Opportunity Analysis) 6.) Build a Revenue Cycle Model that reflects the flow of your business - (Model Performance Analysis (Companies); Model Performance Analysis (Leads); Program Revenue Stage Analysis) Complete the steps that apply to the types of reporting you are interested in. For example, if you would be interested in using Program Cost Analysis, then you would want to complete steps:1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to get the full capabilities from the tool. If you were interested in Program Membership Analysis, you would complete steps: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Who This Solution Applies To Customers with Revenue Explorer Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You have integrated Marketo and Facebook Lead Ads in Marketo Admin > Launchpoint, and your test form-fills are not appearing in the Marketo Lead Database. Solution Occasionally the integration between Marketo and Facebook needs to be re-authorized. This is one of the primary troubleshooting steps we start with in these situations. The instructions for re-authorizing are as follows: Navigate to Marketo Admin > Launchpoint, and take note of the Facebook User that is used in the Lanchpoint integration, Log into the Facebook Business Account, and navigate to the settings where the Admins are added/removed Remove the User, and save changes Re-add the User back to the Business Account as an Admin, save changes Navigate back to Marketo Admin > Launchpoint, and edit the Facebook Lead Ads integration, Proceed with 'Next' to view the Facebook Account, and click 'Re-Authorize' The final step after this would be to attempt another form-fill on a Facebook form to see if the activities are appearing in Marketo.
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Issue When your Salesforce Sandbox gets refreshed and is given a new OrgID, you will have to contact Marketo Support to work on getting the Marketo Sandbox addressed properly.     Solution This process is a 2 step process, the first step completed by Marketo Support on the backend. The second step is for you to enter the desired Sync User credentials in Marketo Admin > Salesforce. In order to do this second step correctly, you will need to generate a new Security Token for this Sync User within SFDC. Your SFDC Admin may need to do this for you. It is best that the token be newly generated the same day as performing this process. This process can be done over the phone so that both you and Marketo Support get immediate feedback.
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Issue When data is synced to Marketo from lookup fields in Dynamics, the unique record GUID is put in the Marketo field rather than the name of the referenced record.     Solution In Dynamics, the data stored in lookup fields is actually the unique ID of the referenced record. Since the record that is being referenced is also in Dynamics, the UI is able to display the name of the record rather than its unique ID. However, when the data for those fields is pushed to Marketo, it is still the unique IDs that are synced over, so you will see the long string of letters and numbers in the associated Marketo fields, and not the name of the records. A workaround for this behavior is to: Create custom fields in your CRM for each of the lookup fields that you intend to sync. Create a workflow in Dynamics that populates those fields with the name of the  referenced record, and stores it as a string of text. When those fields custom fields are synced to Marketo, the data will be displayed as the text that you want instead of the unique IDs. Who This Solution Applies To Customers integrated with MS Dynamics
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Overview It can be difficult sometimes to know how many trigger campaigns you have running or where they’re located. Marketo can show you where they all are inside of the Campaign Inspector. This article will show you where to find Campaign Inspector and what to look for when you’re going through it. Turning on Campaign Inspector Campaign Inspector isn’t enabled in all Marketo instances by default, but it can be switched on pretty quickly. To turn on Campaign Inspector: 1. Log in to your Marketo instance. 2. Click on the Admin link at the top of the window. 3. Click on Treasure Chest. 4. On the Campaign Inspector section, click EDIT. 5. In the dialog window that appears, check the Enabled box and click the Save button. If you have trouble turning on Campaign Inspector, please Contact Marketo Support Finding Campaign Inspector The Campaign Inspector is a tab located inside of Marketing Activities. Once it’s enabled, you will find it right next to the Marketing Activities tab. What does Campaign Inspector show? The Campaign Inspector will show you the active trigger campaigns or recurring batch campaigns that you have in your Marketo instance. As you can see, the details can be sorted by Campaign Type, Campaign Name, Triggers Used, Activity Filters, Flow Actions used, and the date it was last modified. Searching for specific campaigns At the bottom of the window, there is a search field where you can search for specific campaigns. For example, in the screenshot above, you’ll see an operational campaign with triggers listening for emails that have bounced. If you search for the word “bounce” in the quick find, these campaigns will pop right up! Makes it really handy when you have large numbers of campaigns running! Exporting the results One of the great benefits of Campaign Inspector is that it has the ability to export results! Just click the export button at the bottom on the toolbar and you’ll get the spreadsheet downloaded.
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Issue How to work effectively with Marketo Support to quickly resolve your issues. Solution Best Practices:   Be specific about the issue you are experiencing. Describe the expected behavior or appearance of the asset we are troubleshooting - what you believe should be happening Describe the actual behavior or error in the asset we are troubleshooting. Provide links to the assets we need to troubleshoot. Click on the specific asset in the navigation tree and then copy the URL displayed in the address bar of your browser into your case.  This will take us directly to the asset. If we are troubleshooting a specific asset inside a program, such as a Smart Campaign or an email, provide the link to the asset itself rather than to the program containing the asset. Provide examples of the issue: Provide links to specific leads that are examples of the issue you are having. Even if the issue affects multiple leads, we still need to start by looking at specifics. Provide the exact text of any error messages you might be receiving, along with the timestamps. Screenshots can be very useful for this. When troubleshooting API call issues, attach copies of the the request and the response that show the issue you are having. If the issue concerns a non-Marketo asset such as a webpage, please include the URL.   Include screenshots and log files: Since we do not have access to your CRM, if there is information in the CRM we need to see, attach an uncropped screenshot of an example record to your case. When taking the screenshot, log into the CRM using the Marketo sync credentials. This will allow us to see what Marketo sees through the sync. If you are using MS Dynamics, attach the Marketo logs and Marketo error logs to your case. Involve other resources as necessary, even if they aren't Marketo users.  We may need to work with your CRM admin, your IT department, or your web developer.  CC-ing them on the case is a simple way to loop them into the support case so you don't have to run questions back and forth.   Please be aware that Marketo support are not trained as web developers or CRM admins. We are happy to help you troubleshoot issues with your Marketo instance and integrations, but we are not able to troubleshoot custom code or advise you on details of your CRM administration.
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Issue What is the difference between mktNoTrack and  mktNoTok? Solution Adding the mktNoTrack class to an email link tells Marketo not to add a tracking link to the URL. Without the tracking link, the recipient is not redirected through the tracking server before going to the target URL. Use this when you specifically don't want to track Clicked Link in Email events in the Marketo database. Adding the mktNoTok class to an email link tells Marketo not to add the _mkt_tok parameter to the target link.  Used when the target link does not behave properly, for example, a mailto: link that should not have extraneous URL info or a static file that won't download when there are query parameters. The click activity will still be tracked, but the associated lead info will not be carried onto the page for use in functions such as form prefill.
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Issue A Program or Smart Campaign was deleted and you would like to have it restored. Solution Marketo Support cannot restore deleted programs or campaigns. Marketo Support can only restore deleted leads, emails, and landing pages within a certain amount of time after deletion.  Landing pages and emails that are assets of a deleted program cannot be restored. Marketo Support can provide the smart campaign configuration, including details such as filters in the smart list and flow steps. It's essential, however, that the deleted campaign is relatively recent, ideally within the last 2 weeks.
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Issue Description A lead fails to sync to Salesforce with the following error: Failed: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: There's a problem with this country, even though it may appear correct. Please select a country/territory from the list of valid countries. This error may also occur for state as well as country fields. Issue Resolution Country/State pick-list is enabled on your SFDC instance. As a consequence, SFDC will reject any record with country/state value does not belong to the list and therefore, you will have to make sure that countries are set correctly everywhere in Marketo, and especially: in forms in data management campaigns in imports For example, if you try to feed "New York", it will not be accepted. It will only accept "NY". The error messages you're seeing are coming from Salesforce because the State fields have been standardized to only accept certain pick-list values. In order to get these records to sync with Salesforce you'll need to update them to have valid values. Contact your SFDC Admin to get the list of accepted values for that field and update the record in Marketo with the appropriate value that is accepted by SFDC. If you feel like pick list is not necessary on SFDC, you could just disable the state or country pick lists in SFDC by following the below document Who This Solution Applies To Customers who use SFDC as their CRM
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