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Marketo calls to the Salesforce API During a single sync session, Marketo makes 25 API calls to check if your Salesforce objects need updating.  Because your Salesforce sync happens in 5 minute intervals (default setting), each day Marketo makes 7200 API calls to your account to see if any updates are needed. If there are updates, more API calls are used to sync the information.  Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Campaigns, and Activities are synced in batches of 200 per API call. If you use a Sync Lead to SFDC or Add to Campaign flow step in trigger campaigns, each one uses at least one API call per lead; the API call happens when the lead hits that flow step (instead of waiting for the next sync). Batch campaigns can send up to 200 leads to Salesforce with 1 API call for these flow steps. Any activities you've synced from Marketo to Salesforce (like "Filled Out Form" or "Opened Email") use an extra API call per event. You can use these to estimate the number of API calls Marketo makes per day.  For example, if you have 1,000 Lead and Contact updates a day and 100 Account, Opportunity, and Campaign updates, you'll use: 7200 (check for updates) + (1000 Lead updates / 200 per API call) + (1000 Contact updates / 200 per API call) + (100 Account updates / 200 per API call) + (100 Opportunity updates / 200 per API call) + (100 Campaign updates / 200 per API call) + 7200 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7213 API calls When you first sync your Salesforce account to Marketo, you'll use significantly more API calls until Marketo is up to date with your Salesforce instance.  After that, you can expect the API calls to be much lower unless you make large updates to your leads (in Marketo or Salesforce) API Calls and your Salesforce edition Salesforce determines your API call limit based on the edition and licenses you have. This document from Salesforce has information on how they calculate that limit. For many Salesforce users, particularly Enterprise Edition users, the number of API calls made by Marketo is usually not a problem. If you're using a more limited edition of Salesforce or don't have many Salesforce licenses, you may hit the daily limit on your API calls.  In that case, please contact Marketo Support and ask us to decrease your sync interval.  At a 30 minute sync interval, Marketo uses around 1000 API calls per day, well under the limit for nearly every Salesforce edition. To see your API limit (per 24 hour period) and your current usage (for past 24 hours) in SFDC,  navigate to: Setup -> Administration Setup -> Company Profile -> Company Information Look for the field called "API Requests, Last 24 Hours", which will display API usage for the past 24-hour period as well as your current 24-hour limit (in parenthesis). Order of Events during SFDC Sync Marketo will sync your SFDC and Marketo objects in the following order: Lead: synch schema Account: synch schema Contact: synch schema User: synch schema Task: synch schema Opportunity: synch schema Opportunity Contact Role: synch schema Campaign: synch schema Campaign Member: synch schema Campaign Member Status: synch schema Lead: pull conversions Account: pull deletes Account: pull updates User: pull updates Lead Queue: pull updates Lead Status: pull updates Account Type: pull updates Lead: pull deletes Contact: pull deletes Lead: pull updates Contact: pull updates Lead: push updates Contact: push updates Campaign: pull deletes Campaign Member: pull deletes Campaign Member Status: pull deletes Campaign: pull updates Campaign Member: pull updates Campaign Member Status: pull updates Opportunity: pull deletes Opportunity Contact Role: pull deletes Opportunity: pull updates Opportunity Contact Role: pull updates Event: pull updates Task: pull updates Email Template: push new Email Template: push updates Task: push new Task: push updates
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Included in this article Highlights The MLM package in SFDC’s AppExchange is being retired. The MLM package itself doesn’t do much, but was responsible for installing 16 custom fields (16 on the Lead object and 16 on the Contact object) that sync data from Marketo to SFDC like Lead Score and Acquisition program. The configuration update will shut off the sync of data to the MLM package and these fields, so the data in those fields in SFDC will become stale and won’t update. You can keep syncing this data to SFDC but it requires creating new custom fields. When the fields are re-created, a drip process will be triggered to backfill existing data from Marketo into the new fields in SFDC. No Data Will Be Lost Marketo is the source of this data, and the data inside of Marketo will not be touched. The data in Marketo will continue to stay current as it always has. The change being made is in how it is passed into SFDC. No matter what, the data will be preserved inside of Marketo. What is the MLM Package? The MLM package doesn’t actually do a lot on its own. It has been a prerequisite that had to be installed during the Marketo > SFDC integration setup before the MSI package could be installed but it’s a pretty safe bet that hardly anyone actually uses it. It’s the fields that were installed during its installation that get the most usage.  The fields that the MLM package created are frequently used by sales teams inside of SFDC. Data from the Marketo fields passes into these fields in SFDC where it can be viewed on Lead and Contact records (if you’ve added it into the page layout). Telling the Difference Between MLM and MSI in SFDC MLM and MSI are two different tabs inside of SFDC. It’s important to know which is which. The Sales Insight tab is the tab labeled “Marketo”. The MLM tab is labeled as “Marketo Lead Management” Fields Affected When the configuration change happens, no data will be synced from these 16 fields in Marketo to the 32 corresponding SFDC fields (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object). Lead Score Acquisition Program Acquisition Program Id Acquisition Date Original Search Phrase Original Source Info Original Source Type Original Referrer Original Search Engine Inferred Company Inferred Metropolitan Area Inferred Phone Area Code Inferred State Region Inferred City Inferred Postal Code Inferred Country The Changes Being Made For most customers, the only fields commonly used are Lead Score and Acquisition Program. While these fields will stop updating in the Lead detail pages, it’s important to remember that the Lead Score data will still be available through Sales Insight without any changes being made. Effects on Sales Insight MSI will have very little change made. The Stars and Flames will still function the same way, and lead scores will still update and display current information. Only one change will affect MSI, and it will have a very limited scope. Scoring Still Displays in MSI The Sales Insight Score tab on Lead records in SFDC will continue to show up to date score information. This view will not be impacted in any way. Stars and Flames Still Function the Same Way MSI’s Stars and Flames will still update with data the same way that they did before, even if you have set them up to work with custom score fields on the Marketo side. For more information about Sales Insight’s Stars and Flames, please check out the documentation here: Priority, Urgency, Relative Score, and Best Bets - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Customize Stars and Flames - Marketo Docs - Product Docs Set Score Fields to be used for Stars and Flames in Sales Insight - Marketo Docs - Product Docs The Only Change Inside of MSI There is only one small change to the MSI package. If you have "Debug Mode" enabled in Sales Insight Config (pretty rare), then inside of Sales Insight, if you mouse-over the Stars, you’ll see a label that gives the score. This functionality relied on a dependency between MSI and MLM that has been patched and removed now. As a result of that change, the score can’t be displayed in the hover-over label. Again, this score only ever appeared if you had debug mode enabled, which is very uncommon. Exceptions to MSI Patch The MSI patch wasn’t able to upgrade every version of MSI. A very small number of customers who have an older version of MSI currently can’t be updated by the patch and will need to manually upgrade their MSI installation. If your company uses Marketo Sales Insight version 1.38 or below, you will be required to manually upgrade to the newest MSI package version. Identifying Your MSI Version To check what version of MSI you’re currently using, navigate to Admin > Sales Insight, then look for the Version info in the Status box in the middle of the page. Manually Upgrading Your MSI Package If you find that you are using MSI Version 1.38, you’ll need to manually upgrade your Sales Insight package. The directions on how to upgrade MSI can be found here: Upgrade Marketo Sales Insight for Salesforce1 - Marketo Docs - Product Docs If you’d like help with this installation, please feel free to reach out to Marketo Support with the directions found here: Contact Marketo Support Effect on Fields in Lead Layout Page The change that will be noticed will be to the fields shown in the Lead detail pages in SFDC. If you have any of these fields like Lead Score added to the layout of your Lead detail page, these are the fields that will no longer update and will begin displaying stale data. If your sales teams utilize any of this data, you’ll want to recreate the fields in SFDC to pull in the updated data from Marketo. Keeping Field Data in SFDC The sync of data into these 32 fields (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object) will be shut off. If you want to keep syncing data from these fields to use it in SFDC, that can be done. You’ll need to create new custom fields in SFDC for the Marketo data to sync into, using specific API names to match up to the original Marketo fields. There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Cut Off Date The MLM package will be officially deprecated as of January 31st, 2017. The data will stop syncing to the fields created by the MLM package after this date. Backfilling Data Creating the new custom fields will kick off a drip process to backfill the data from Marketo to SFDC. That takes all existing data for these fields from Marketo and pushes it back to SFDC into the new custom fields you’ve created. There are some important details to how this process works, so here they all are! The data backfill process will only initiate if you recreate the old fields using the proper API names as specified. The backfill process goes through a separate communication “pipeline” outside of the standard sync cycle. The backfill process will push data at roughly the same rate as the “Push Updates” rate we get now in the regular sync—somewhere between 7k to 12k records per hour. The total time it takes to update all records will vary depending on sync rate in the separate “pipeline” and the number of records being updated. Once the backfill process is complete, an instance notification will be posted in the Marketo notification center. The backfill process updates the new fields in SFDC records with the data that is in the 16 Marketo fields. When this update happens, it will create a SysModStamp on the record in SFDC. Any new SysModStamp will queue the record to resync back to Marketo. If a lead record is in line waiting for the backfill process to pass updates to SFDC and that record gets resynced through the standard SFDC sync cycle before the backfill is done for that lead, that record will be taken out of the queue of records waiting for the backfill process. This is done intentionally to prevent race conditions where old data could potentially overwrite more current data. SFDC Sync Backlog Any time a large number of records are queued to resync between Marketo and SFDC, it could cause a sync backlog. A sync backlog is only a possibility, not a certainty. Most customers will not have any problems. The rollout schedule has been staggered out over time specifically to address this issue and to prevent sync backlogs. The backfill process passes data through a different channel, outside of the standard sync cycle, so it won’t cause a backlog in that process. It’s the resyncing of the records after the backfill that puts stress on the sync cycle. That standard sync cycle is where you may experience slowness if a backlog develops. The resulting resync of leads will increase volume and put a heavier load on the sync. However, whether or not it actually creates a backlog in the sync cycle depends on many factors like your existing sync volume and if you have any other large number of updates being made. If you think your sync cycle is experiencing a backlog, please reach out to Marketo Support. We can check the existing volume for both the standard sync cycle and the backfill process. Cleaning Up SFDC The MLM package and the 32 fields created by it (16 on the Lead object, 16 on the Contact object) will be orphaned and no data will continue to be synced to them, making them obsolete. Since they’ll be unusable, you may want to remove the MLM package and delete the fields. This process is optional, but can be done if you choose. Uninstalling the MLM package deletes fields, data and workflows created by the package. Any dependencies like for reports or workflows inside of SFDC that you have created based off of these fields will need to be removed manually. If these other custom dependencies exist, they’ll need to be removed before uninstalling the MLM package. For information on how to uninstall AppExchange packages from SFDC, please see their documentation here: Uninstalling a Package For detailed information on how to avoid problems elsewhere in SFDC, please see our documentation here: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Preventing Problems in SFDC Since the fields in SFDC are brand new fields that have just been created, everything in SFDC that references the original fields will need to be updated to point to the new fields instead. This includes all Workflows, Apex Triggers, AppExchange packages for 3rd party software and Reports. As soon as the new fields are recreated in SFDC, the Marketo fields are remapped to those new fields. The backfill process begins and the sync is cut off to the older existing fields, so they immediately stop updating. This results in two important things to be aware of: Everything in SFDC referencing the older original fields will be referencing old data that is no longer updating. The backfilled values entered into the newly recreated fields will be seen by SFDC as brand new values, not the existing values that they are in Marketo. This can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, AppExchange packages for 3rd party software and Reports to all behave differently. For full details on this, please see Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Where to Go for More Information Recap Summary Now that the changes have been completed, and the deprecation date has passed, this doc will give you the overview of what has happened: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Recap Summary Frequently Asked Questions Check out our FAQ for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Frequently Asked Questions Discussion thread We've created this discussion thread in the community to address any questions you may have. This discussion thread will be monitored by the Marketo team to ensure you get answers to your questions. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Questions and Discussion Overview Documentation This doc will give you a high level overview of what the configuration changes are and what to expect moving forward: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync - Overview Release Schedule The release is being staggered over the course of 6 months. This doc will give you exact details so you can know precisely when your Marketo instance will be updated. Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Release Schedule Recreating Affected Fields There are different versions of Salesforce, but don't worry, all of the details on how to recreate the affected fields as well as a video tutorial can all be found in the documentation here: Adding Marketo Fields to Salesforce Preventing Problems In Salesforce Recreating the new fields in Salesforce can cause your Workflows, Apex Triggers, Reports and AppExchange apps behave differently. They'll need to be updated and this doc will show you what to watch out for: Changes to Marketo Salesforce Sync – Preventative Troubleshooting Contact Marketo Support If you would prefer to talk to someone live, please contact Marketo Support over any of the channel listed here: Contact Marketo Support
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Marketo has the ability to see and pull data from Salesforce Formula fields, there is however a catch which will be explained in this article.   Everytime the Marketo Sync connects to Salesforce it will scan records and look at the "SytemModStamp" (salesforce system field) for each one of them. It will compare this value with the stored value, which was pulled at the last scheduled sync. If the values match, Marketo will move on to the next record. If the values are different (new value later date than previous value), then Marketo will do a compare and contrast of all fields on that record in both systems and update the information as needed.   When a normal non-formula field is updated and changed on a Lead/Contact record in SFDC, the SytemModStamp value is updated. This is how on next sync Marketo knows to do a compare/contrast check and pull updates. Formula fields do not behave the same way. A formula field is calculated based on data in fields called upon in the formula; this means that the formula field calculation itself will not update the SytemModStamp in Salesforce.   Chances are you already have existing records in SFDC and Marketo. If you were to create a formula field today in your instance of SFDC and have it sync down into Marketo, the data calculated for the formula field in SFDC will not come into Marketo right away. The reason for this is, the formula field has created data based on already existing data, this does not result in a SytemModStamp change.   Typically formula fields will be a calculation of data from fields which are somehow related to the lead/contact record. This means that moving forward, any change in the normal field, will result in a SytemModStamp change as well as a recalculation of the formula field. In this case, Marketo will see the updated SytemModStamp due to the normal field change. Marketo will do the compare/contrast excercise and find that the formula field also needs updating.   If you create a formula field in SFDC and would like to have all the historical data for the formula field to come into Marketo, you can force an update on the records in SFDC to update the SytemModStamp. This way, on next sync, Marketo will see the formula data and pull it in. Alternatively, you can simply allow for natural SytemModStamp updates in SFDC to occur which should result in a slow trickle of historical data from SFDC into Marketo for the newly created formula field.   You can only use data from a formula field in Marketo to segment data and filter. If you try to do a change data value, Marketo will accept the change, tries to sync it to Salesforce and fails to update there. Eventually the Salesforce calculated value will come back into Marketo. Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue You want to re-map a synced SFDC field to a different field in Marketo. Solution Yes, it is possible to re-map Salesforce - Marketo fields after initial sync. For this you need to Contact Marketo support with a request for your current field mapping and your desired field mapping. You will need to provide the Marketo Field(s) and the Salesforce API Name(s), then format your request similar to the example below.   Important Note Before initiating the re-mapping, please export the records and their field values from Marketo and import the values into their Salesforce or create a smart campaign to write the data from one field into the other. This is important so that there is no data loss after the remapping work has been performed. Marketo will not automatically push these values to SFDC, after the mapping is complete.   Example Request Current Mapping: Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 1] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Lead)   Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 2] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Contact) Desired Mapping: Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 1] CRM Field Map: fieldName__c (SFDC Lead) fieldName__c (SFDC Contact)   Field Label: [Marketo Field Name 2] CRM Field Map:   Limitations - Fields need to be of the same type (String/String, Date/Date, etc) - Fields can only have one of each object type (eg: A Marketo Field could be mapped to a SFDC_1 (Lead) field and a SFDC_1(Contact) field, but can not be mapped to both SFDC_1 (Lead) and SFDC_2 (Lead). - Fields can be mapped to a maximum of 2 SFDC fields - SFDC fields can only be mapped to one field in Marketo   Please note that there may be additional limitations in certain circumstances. The Marketo Support agent that handles your request will provide any further details should such a situation arise.  
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Here's how you can use tokens and URL parameters to automatically assign leads to Salesforce campaigns after filling out a form.  These tokens work in all of the Salesforce campaign flow steps: Add to Salesforce Campaign Change Status in Salesforce Campaign Remove from Salesforce campaign Get the Salesforce campaign ID and status You need two things to begin this process -- the name or ID of the Salesforce campaign you want to sync to and a valid status in that campaign.  You can get the ID for the campaign by opening that campaign in Salesforce and copying the last 15 characters from the URL.  Here's an example campaign URL; the ID is highlighted: To get the valid statuses, click on "Advanced Setup" on the campaign's page The status should be listed there: Create new fields First, you need to create two new fields -- "SFDC Campaign ID" and "SFDC Campaign Status" -- both of type "string".  You can create these on your lead and contact records in Salesforce, or contact Marketo support to add those custom fields in your Marketo account. Create or edit the form After you create those fields, the next step is to incorporate them into your forms.  Create a new form or edit an existing form, then drag those two fields into your form.  Make them both hidden fields and set them to populate from a URL.  If you're unfamiliar with them, this article on hidden fields has details on how they work. Making a Field Hidden on a Form When setting the values for those fields, use a real Salesforce campaign ID and status as the default value.  Here's how you might edit the settings for those fields: SFDC Campaign ID: Default Value: [a real Salesforce campaign ID or name] Populate from: URL Parameter Parameter name: campaignID SFDC Campaign Status: Default Value: [a real Salesforce campaign status for the campaign you chose] Populate from: URL Parameter Parameter name: status And here's what your form might look like when done: Now you have a form that automatically add leads to the default Salesforce campaign you selected and that you can override with URL parameters. Create a Smart Campaign Next, you need to create a campaign that will add these leads to the selected (or default) Salesforce campaign.  We'll trigger this campaign to launch whenever someone fills out your form: In the flow, first you need to sync the lead to Salesforce so that you can add it to a campaign. Then you can add it to the Salesforce campaign using the values in the SFDC Campaign ID and SFDC Campaign Status fields.  To do this, use the tokens for those fields in your flow step:  {{Lead.SFDC Campaign ID}} for the campaign name and {{Lead.SFDC Campaign Status}} for the status.  If you type "{{" in the fields, the auto-suggest will help you enter that text correctly: Your finished flow should look like this: Finally, in the schedule tab set this campaign to run every time and activate it. Launch your landing page If you modified a form already in use, you can now go to that landing page, fill out the form, and watch as your lead gets synced to the Salesforce campaign you chose.  If this is a new form, create and approve a new landing page which uses that form.  After filling out the form, you should see the lead added to the default Salesforce campaign specified in your form: Use URL parameters to override the default campaign and status.  For our forms, the campaign is set by the "campaignID" URL parameter and the status by the "status" URL parameter.  For example, this URL: will assign the lead to the Salesforce campaign "701A00000009K3l" (the Salesforce internal ID) with the status "Responded."  If either value has spaces or special characters, make sure that you URL encode them before adding them to your URL. Using tokens in other Salesforce campaign flow steps These tokens work in all of the Salesforce campaign flow steps -- Add, Remove, and Change Status in SFDC campaign.  Follow the same directions as above but substitute the appropriate flow step in place of the Add to SFDC Campaign step. Diagnosing errors If your leads are not syncing to your Salesforce campaigns, first go to the Activity Log for that lead and double click the line that has the failed flow step. The information that appears will help you figure out what the problem might be. The most common errors you'll encounter are: Spelling errors in your tokens -- use the autosuggest to help Using an SFDC campaign ID or name that doesn't exist -- check the spelling of the campaign or ID The lead doesn't exist in salesforce -- sync the lead to Salesforce before adding him/her to your campaign Using a status that doesn't exist for that campaign -- change the status to one that does exist for the campaign, or add a new status to the campaign in Salesforce
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Included in this article Overview Do you need to create fields in Salesforce and have them connect to specific fields in Marketo like for Lead Score or Acquisition Program? If so, this document will take you right to the instructions on how to get that done! Step by Step Directions for all Salesforce Editions Adding Custom Marketo Fields to Salesforce Video Overview Here's a video tutorial of the entire process that should make it easy to follow along: Salesforce Connector Setup​ Enjoy!
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Included in this article   Overview Sync Filters for Existing SFDC Integrations Sync Filters for New SFDC Integrations Overview It is often necessary to prevent specific leads from syncing between Marketo and SFDC. There are a few different ways this can be done, such as sharing rules on the SFDC side, but the most effective way is through a Marketo Custom Sync Filter.   A Custom Sync Filter uses a custom field to mark each lead record to indicate whether that lead is allowed to sync between Marketo and SFDC. Here’s how to get it set up!     Sync Filters for Existing SFDC Integrations   If you already have an SFDC integration in place but want to stop some already-synced leads from continuing to sync, this section will show you how to make that change.   1. Create a new custom field in Salesforce. The Marketo bi-directional sync will automatically identify the new custom field and map it between Marketo and Salesforce. The best field type to use is a Checkbox field within Salesforce and the field will need to be created on the Salesforce Object that needs to be filtered (i.e. Lead, Contact, or both). Once the field has been created in Marketo by the bi-directional sync, it will be listed under Admin > Field Management.   Note: A Custom Sync Filter field can also be created on the Account object to dictate whether an account is allowed to sync. This sync filter will be applied independently from the Lead/Contact sync filter.   2. Update the records in Salesforce with the corresponding value you need to indicate whether the record should sync or not. Sync filters can be set up in two ways—a True/Checked value can indicate that a record is allowed to sync, or a True/Checked value could indicate that a record is not allowed to sync. This choice is up to you.   3. The Custom Sync Filter can now be implemented. Contact Marketo Support and request a Custom Sync Filter be activated. Be sure you include the custom field name, which configuration you need (checked=sync vs checked=don’t sync), and all records have been populated with the correct values. Once it has been applied, you’re all done!     Sync Filters for New SFDC Integrations   If you are setting up a new SFDC integration with Marketo, you can set up the sync filter as part of the integration process. This will let you designate which leads and contacts are ever allowed to sync, but this must be done in the middle of the initial SFDC sync process.   1. Create a new custom field in SFDC. The best field type to use is a Checkbox field, and you’ll need to set it up with the same name on both the Lead and Contact objects. Note: A Custom Sync Filter field can also be created on the Account before the initial sync, and it will be applied in the same way.   2. Update the records in Salesforce with the corresponding value you need to indicate whether the record should sync or not. Sync filters can be set up in two ways—a True/Checked value can indicate that a record is allowed to sync, or a True/Checked value could indicate that a record is not allowed to sync. This choice is up to you.   3. Begin your Salesforce Sync Setup but do not finish it. There are two sets of Salesforce Sync installations, one for Enterprise/Unlimited Edition and the other for Professional Edition. For both Enterprise/Unlimited and Professional Edition versions, three documents correspond to the three different steps: “Step 1 of 3”, “Step 2 of 3,” and “Step 3 of 3”. For both versions, complete all steps of “Step 1 of 3” and “Step 2 of 3”. When you get to “Step 3 of 3”, you will only do the first half of the steps and then stop. Complete the sections “Retrieve Sync User Security Token” and “Set Sync User Credentials,” and then stop there. Do not proceed to start the sync.   4. This is when the sync filter needs to be implemented. Contact Marketo Support and request a Custom Sync Filter be activated. Be sure to include the custom field name, which configuration you need (checked=sync vs checked=don’t sync), and note that all records have been populated with the correct values. Once it has been applied and the Marketo Support case is resolved, you’re done and can start your initial SDFC sync!
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Included in this article Overview Marketo uses a set of fields to capture certain kinds of marketing related information. If you would like this data in Salesforce, please follow the instructions below. Create three custom fields in Salesforce on the lead and contact objects: Lead Score, Acquisition Program, and Acquisition Date. Map these custom fields between leads and contacts so that on conversion in Salesforce, the values carry over. You can create other additional fields, if necessary (see the table below). All of these custom fields are optional and are not required to sync Marketo and Salesforce. As a best practice, we recommend that you do create fields for Lead Score, Acquisition Program, and Acquisition Date. Add Marketo Fields to Salesforce Add three custom fields on the lead and contact objects in Salesforce listed above. If you want to add more, see the table of available fields at the end of this section. Perform the following steps for each of the three custom fields to add them. Start with Lead Score. 1. Log into Salesforce and click Setup. 2. In the Build menu on the left, click Customize and select Leads. Click Fields. 3. Click New in the Custom Fields & Relationships section at the bottom of the page. 4. Choose the appropriate field type (for Lead Score — number; Acquisition Program — text; Acquisition Date — Date/Time). 5. Click Next. 6. Enter the Field Label, Length, and Field Name for the field, as shown in the table below. Field Label Field Name Data Type Field Attributes Lead Score mkto71_Lead_Score Number Length 10 Decimal Places 0 Acquisition Date mkto71_Acquisition_Date Date/Time Acquisition Program mkto71_Acquisition_Program Text Length 255 7. Click Next. 8. Specify the access settings and click Next: Set all profiles to Visible and "Read-Only". Uncheck "Read Only" for the profile of your sync user. Often customers have a user with the profile of a System Administrator as the sync user. If that's the case with you, then uncheck “Read Only” for the System Administrator profile as shown in the picture below. If you have created a custom profile for the sync user, then uncheck "Read-Only" for that custom profile 9. Choose the page layouts that should display the field. 10. Click Save & New to go back and create each of the other two custom fields. Click Save when you're done with all three. 11. In the Build menu on the left, click Customize and select Contacts. Click Fields. 12. Perform steps 3 through 10 for the Lead Score, Acquisition Date, and Acquisition Program fields on the contact object, just as you did for the lead object. 13. Optionally, use the above procedure for any additional custom fields from this table.      NOTE: These fields are additional optional fields you may choose to add as well. The Lead Score, Acquisition Date and Acquisition Program fields      are detailed above Field Label Field Name Data Type Field Attributes Acquisition Program Id mkto71_Acquisition_Program_Id Number Length 18 Decimal Places 0 Original Referrer mkto71_Original_Referrer Text Length 255 Original Search Engine mkto71_Original_Search_Engine Text Length 255 Original Search Phrase mkto71_Original_Search_Phrase Text Length 255 Original Source Info mkto71_Original_Source_Info Text Length 255 Original Source Type mkto71_Original_Source_Type Text Length 255 Inferred City mkto71_Inferred_City Text Length 255 Inferred Company mkto71_Inferred_Company Text Length 255 Inferred Country mkto71_Inferred_Country Text Length 255 Inferred Metropolitan Area mkto71_Inferred_Metropolitan_Area Text Length 255 Inferred Phone Area Code mkto71_Inferred_Phone_Area_Code Text Length 255 Inferred Postal Code mkto71_Inferred_Postal_Code Text Length 255 Inferred State Region mkto71_Inferred_State_Region Text Length 255 Map Custom Fields for Conversions A custom field on the lead object in Salesforce should be mapped to a contact field on the contact object so that data is carried over when a conversion occurs.  1. In the top right corner, click Setup. 2. Type "Fields" into the Nav Search without pressing Enter. Fields appears under different objects; Click Fields under Leads. 3. Go to the Lead Custom Fields & Relationships section and click Map Lead Fields. 4. Click the drop-down next to the field you want to map. 5. Select the corresponding contact custom field. 6. Repeat the above steps for any other fields you've created. 7. Click Save when you're done. Here's a video of the entire process that should make it easy to follow along: Salesforce Connector Setup
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The Marketo users at your organization have created several special campaigns for your leads and contacts.  Typical examples include sending someone a whitepaper about a new product or mailing a series of nurturing emails for people not ready for sales.   To add a lead or contact to one of these campaigns, go to that person's detail page and find the Actions menu in the Marketo Sales Insight section.  Pick Add to Marketo Campaign and click Go:     You can also select leads in your list and search views if you've added the Add to Marketo Campaign button to those views.    You can add 200 leads at once this way:     After picking the leads, you'll see a list of potential campaigns; below the selected campaign is a brief description provided by your marketing team.    Pick the campaign for this person in the Campaign Name pulldown, then click Finish: Related Article: Quick Start: Marketo Sales Insight for Salesforce Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Issue Leads are members of a Marketo Program that is synced with a SFDC campaign, but there are some leads that have not synced to SFDC. Solution 1.) First check to see if this was caused by a Salesforce Sync Error. This can be checked in the Admin area under Admin > Salesforce > Sync Errors. Additionally, errors will appear under Notifications, check for the subject 'Salesforce Sync Error: Unable to Add Leads to Campaigns'. This will list the details of the SFDC Error and a list of sample leads along with the Salesforce campaign that they failed to sync to Example error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id Sample Leads:    Salesforce Campaign    Campaign name    Campaign name 2.) This can also be caused by mismatched statuses between the Marketo Program and the SFDC Campaign.  If the status doesn't exist on both sides, leads with the problem status can fail to sync. 3.) This can also be caused by a backlog for the program/campaign sync. Check with Marketo Support to see if a backlog is present.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Marketo with Salesforce integrated    
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Issue You may experience this error when we create campaigns in SFDC using Marketo Campaign sync through a program.     Solution The error that we are receiving indicates that the User Profile that Marketo uses to log into Salesforce doesn't have permissions inside of SFDC to create campaigns. To test this, log into Salesforce using the Marketo sync credentials and try to create an SFDC campaign.  If you are unable to do so, then Marketo cannot create campaigns via the sync.  You would need to work with your SFDC Admin to grant the Marketo sync user permission to create campaigns in SFDC. If still there is an error, please contact the Salesforce support team, since this error is coming from Salesforce.  
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  Marketo Champions are customers who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the Marketo Community, are experts in Marketo products, are avid contributors in the social world, and are loyal advocates of the Marketo brand. Benefits and perks our Champions receive include:   Access: Meetings with our product and marketing teams to give exclusive feedback Previews: Given early previews to products, features, and releases when available Publicity: Exclusive speaking opportunities at our annual Marketo Summit and other events Networking: Special networking events with Marketo executives and fellow Champions and semi-annual conference calls Ownership: Ownership of content and exclusive activities at our annual Marketo Summit that showcase your expertise and thought leadership Credibility: Special Champion badge on Marketo Community profiles, and profiled on Marketo's corporate website Sweet Swag: Champion-exclusive swag To find out more information and apply, click here. To view a complete list of current Champions, click here. Join the Marketo Elite Today!  
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Distributing leads to sales reps is easy.  Marketo, however, only supports random distribution.  This gives a pretty good approximation of the round robin technique.   Prerequisites: Create A New Program Create A Child Campaign      1. Go to the Smart List tab of the campaign you created, find and drag in the Lead is Created trigger. Tip: Use the trigger that logically would come right before you want to assign the lead to a rep. This is a article attached image        2. I've added the constraint "SFDC Type is empty" so that records that already exist in Salesforce do not get re-assigned.          3. Go to the Flow tab, find and drag in the Change Owner flow step.      4. If you have 3 lead owners click on the Add Choice button 2 times.  You always want the number of choices to equal the number of owners in the round robin minus one. This is because the last person goes in the Default slot.      5. Find and select Random Sample.      6. 100% divided by 3 sales reps is 33%, enter "33".      7. Find and select the first sales rep.      8. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 for every remaining choice. Be sure to fill out the default choice also. This is a article attached image        9. Activate the campaign and it should now distribute leads randomly to your lead owners.
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  Welcome to Marketo Support This guide provides individual links that covers the following topics: Marketo Support Policies Service Level Agreement How to Contact Marketo Support How to Submit a Case Tips on Effective Case Submission Managing Authorized Support Contacts (Support Admins) Managing Your Cases How to Escalate    
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Issue The SFDC sync error "Unable to process due to no XML response from Salesforce" or "No XML Document Error" appears. Root Cause This error means Marketo received an invalid XML response returned by SFDC. Most often, this is a transient error from SFDC and resolves on its own in the next sync cycles.  If the error persists or is continually blocking your sync, please reach out to Marketo Support.
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Issue Delay in SFDC Sync causes email to be sent with unpopulated tokens Wait steps in campaign designed to prevent race conditions are sometimes not long enough for the SFDC Sync to complete Wait steps cause delay in customer receiving their email after filling out for - bad user experience Environment Smart Campaign triggers off form fill and flow step syncs Person record to Salesforce  Info from SFDC sync is used to populate tokens in email Campaign uses Wait steps to hold email send until sync is finished Solution Split the Smart Campaign into two campaigns The first campaign runs the sync activities, but does not send email The second campaign triggers off of the Data Value Changes resulting from the sync and sends the email with the email tokens populated
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Marketo has the ability to see and pull data from Salesforce Formula fields, there is however a catch which will be explained in this article.   Everytime the Marketo Sync connects to Salesforce, it will scan records and look at the "SytemModStamp" (salesforce system field) for each one of them. It will compare this value with the stored value, which was pulled at the last scheduled sync. If the values match, Marketo will move on to the next record. If the values are different (new value later date than previous value), then Marketo will do a compare and contrast of all fields on that record in both systems and update the information as needed.   When a normal non-formula field is updated and changed on a Lead/Contact record in SFDC, the SytemModStamp value is updated. This is how on next sync Marketo knows to do a compare/contrast check and pull updates. Formula fields do not behave the same way. A formula field is calculated based on data in fields called upon in the formula; this means that the formula field calculation itself will not update the SytemModStamp in Salesforce.   Chances are you already have existing records in SFDC and Marketo. If you were to create a formula field today in your instance of SFDC and have it sync down into Marketo, the data calculated for the formula field in SFDC will not come into Marketo right away. The reason for this is, the formula field has created data based on already existing data, this does not result in a SytemModStamp change.   Typically formula fields will be a calculation of data from fields which are somehow related to the lead/contact record. This means that moving forward, any change in the normal field, will result in a SytemModStamp change as well as a recalculation of the formula field. In this case, Marketo will see the updated SytemModStamp due to the normal field change. Marketo will do the compare/contrast excercise and find that the formula field also needs updating.   If you create a formula field in SFDC and would like to have all the historical data for the formula field to come into Marketo, you can force an update on the records in SFDC to update the SytemModStamp. This way, on next sync, Marketo will see the formula data and pull it in. Alternatively, you can simply allow for natural SytemModStamp updates in SFDC to occur which should result in a slow trickle of historical data from SFDC into Marketo for the newly created formula field.   You can only use data from a formula field in Marketo to segment data and filter. If you try to do a change data value, Marketo will accept the change, tries to sync it to Salesforce and fails to update there. Eventually the Salesforce calculated value will come back into Marketo.  
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Question: Is it possible to assign a lead owner during a list import?   Answer: No. The reason for this is because lead ownership is a Salesforce functionality and should be first done from within Salesforce. If you are not able to do the assignment in Salesforce, here is one option that is available to you within Marketo:   1) Upload your leads into Marketo's Lead Database without lead owner information. i.e. your import CSV will not have any lead owner column in it. More information on importing leads can be found here: Import a List of Leads from a Spreadsheet into Marketo (Import List).   2) Once the list import is successfully completed and your leads are in Marketo, you can use the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow action to assign lead ownership. More information on the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow action at Sync Person to SFDC.
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Issue You created a picklist field in SFDC and want to know if that field will sync down to Marketo with the field type of picklist.     Solution Marketo has a picklist option in form fields, but not in Lead Database fields. When you sync a field from SFDC that has the type of picklist, this field will show in Marketo with a type of String. However, when you create a form, the field type for your field will show as "select," which is a picklist.  
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Issue You receive the below sync error notification which states "CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: [process/workflow name]: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded"   Solution The error means that you have one or more triggers running when the leads are inserted that consume too much CPU time. You are hitting what are called SFDC Governor limits. This is really something you need to review with your SFDC admins and developers. Consider moving some workflows from Triggers (synchronous) to batches (asynchronous).    
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