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Issue You notice that new records in Marketo have the 'Website' and 'Company Name' fields populated with the domain of their email address.     Solution This will happened when a new lead is created by a form fill-out. If the new record is imported or created manually then this would not apply. This design decision has been a part of the code for many years where the domain of the email is used for the company name and website fields on the lead record. This feature cannot be disabled.    
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Issue Issue in delivering Marketo Email (especially for mimecast users). Email get bounced with Error: 550 Rejected by header based Anti-Spoofing policy Solution This error can happen if: You have not properly white listed the Marketo IPs You have an issue with DKIM/SPF set up and configuration Please whitelist the set of Marketo IPs found in the doc below and make sure SPF and DKIM are set up correctly for your email domain
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Issue How page views and form fills are counted in the statistics section of a Marketo Landing Page asset. Solution How they're calculated When viewing the Landing Page asset in either Design Studio or Marketing Activities, the statistics section provides information regarding page views and form fill outs, if the page has a form located on it.  The page views are a cumulative total indicating how many times the page was loaded, regardless if the visitor was a known record in the database. This means anonymous people can record a view here, due to Munchkin tracking on the page. This section provides a total number of views, not unique visits. This means that a person can load this page multiple times and each visit will be tallied in this section. The form fills section (x Filled out Form (x%)), indicates how many times a visitor filled the form out on the page, if it has one. This total is also counted in the same way the views section is, meaning it's a total number of submissions. Therefore, if a record in your database fills out the form more than once on a page, it will be counted toward the total.   Difference between calculations The difference between these two metrics is that the page views will keep a historical record of visits to the page. This means the total will not change if you happen to delete a bunch of records that visited the page in question - the total persists regardless if the record is no longer in the database. With that said, the forms section does not. This area is tied specifically to the existence of that known record in your database. This means that, once a record who filled the form out is removed from your database, the submissions they performed will be subtracted from the total.
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Issue The subject line for an email sent out to leads did not match what was set for an approved email.   Solution The email may have Dynamic Subject Lines enabled. Dynamic Subject Lines allow you to set dynamic content for the subject line based on the Segmentation of your leads. Visit our Documentation for further information about segments and dynamic content. Segments: Create a segmentation Dynamic Content: Using Dynamic Content in an email The issue can be resolved by converting the subject line to a Static Subject Line. A Static Subject Line is a single line of content that will send out to any recipient of your email, regardless of their segmentation. You can do so by doing the following:   Click on the Subject Line to bring up the Subject Line edit buttons. Click the Make Static button
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Issue You may notice that there may be a block in SFDC that stops syncing unsubscribes from Marketo to SFDC. After fixing the block in SFDC the new unsubscribes will sync as expected.  Here is how to get all the unsubscribes that happened before this fix to sync into SFDC. Solution You would need to set up a campaign to reset the field value. Smart list: Unsubscribed = true Flow: Change data value  "unsubscribed" -> False Change data value  "unsubscribed" -> True   That would take everyone who is currently unsubscribed, switch to false and then back to true. That should cause the true value to sync up to SFDC for all of those records. However, make sure you do this at a time when you are absolutely positive there are no email campaigns going out.      
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Issue Leads are members of a Marketo Program that is synced with a SFDC campaign, but there are some leads that have not synced to SFDC. Solution 1.) First check to see if this was caused by a Salesforce Sync Error. This can be checked in the Admin area under Admin > Salesforce > Sync Errors. Additionally, errors will appear under Notifications, check for the subject 'Salesforce Sync Error: Unable to Add Leads to Campaigns'. This will list the details of the SFDC Error and a list of sample leads along with the Salesforce campaign that they failed to sync to Example error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY: insufficient access rights on cross-reference id Sample Leads:    Salesforce Campaign    Campaign name    Campaign name 2.) This can also be caused by mismatched statuses between the Marketo Program and the SFDC Campaign.  If the status doesn't exist on both sides, leads with the problem status can fail to sync. 3.) This can also be caused by a backlog for the program/campaign sync. Check with Marketo Support to see if a backlog is present.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers using Marketo with Salesforce integrated    
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Issue You need to mass update Salesforce records to get them to sync into Marketo. Solution Use the Salesforce provided Data Loader! This is a tool Salesforce provides for such occasions. Here's an article from Salesforce with more information. For any questions regarding this tool, please seek your Salesforce Admin or Salesforce Support as they will be the best resource to answer those questions!
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Issue Why does the record in Marketo have an Opportunity when its matching synced Contact in Salesforce does not have an Opportunity? Solution The Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity Contact Role associated with an Opportunity that belongs to other Contacts. Since "Marketo associates Opportunities and contacts using Opportunity Contact Roles.", Marketo syncs down the Opportunity for the record has it has an Opportunity Contact Role associated with it. If the Opportunity is needed to be removed from the record in Marketo, then: The Opportunity will first need to be deleted in SFDC. The visibility of the role value that is not the primary owner of the Opportunities will need to be removed from the Marketo Sync User. Re-create the Opportunity so that it can be associated to the primary owner.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers who has Salesforce integrated to Marketo
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Question: Is it possible to assign a lead owner during a list import?   Answer: No. The reason for this is because lead ownership is a Salesforce functionality and should be first done from within Salesforce. If you are not able to do the assignment in Salesforce, here is one option that is available to you within Marketo:   1) Upload your leads into Marketo's Lead Database without lead owner information. i.e. your import CSV will not have any lead owner column in it. More information on importing leads can be found here: Import a List of Leads from a Spreadsheet into Marketo (Import List).   2) Once the list import is successfully completed and your leads are in Marketo, you can use the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow action to assign lead ownership. More information on the "Sync Person to SFDC" flow action at Sync Person to SFDC.
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Issue There is a DMARC policy bounce in ToutApp for Gmail email addresses.     Solution This is due to a DMARC policy on your organization's name domain which is preventing the emails from being delivered to Gmail email addresses. Visit the Google support portal on this Have your team check your DMARC policy.      
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Issue Interesting Moments for a specific Marketo record are not showing up in SFDC Sales Insight for the record with the same email.     Solution The most common cause for this is that the record in SFDC is not the same record as the one in Marketo.  This can happen if there are duplicate records in Salesforce with the same email address. To check if the record in Salesforce matches the record in Marketo, compare the SFDC ID.  On the Marketo side, this can be found in a field on the Lead Database record. The SFDC ID for a record in Salesforce can be obtained from the URL. It is generally the the 15 alphanumerical characters near the end of the URL (e.g. 012300000012BYN) - here is an article in Salesforce for more information:      
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Issue Email filtering can prevent the delivery of the invitation email to the Sales Insight Outlook Plug-in, preventing end users from being able to activate the plug-in.     Solution This can be remediated by white-listing the trusted IP range from the following document: The email invitation return path is determined by the Marketo user who is inviting in the instance. So if there is a restriction on the domain that the email can be sent from you can adjust this by creating a dummy user with a username with the a domain that would qualify for IT restrictions.  Then log in as the dummy user and send the invitation. It will have the dummy address in the From line.        
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Issue In Salesforce on the Account level for Marketo Sales Insight, it does not show all the activities of the associated contacts. Solution Marketo Sales Insight only shows certain activities depending on how recently they occurred on the account level. Interesting moments: last 60 days Web Visit: last 3 days Score Change: last 30 days Email: Everything If you wanted to check activities past these dates you would need to go to the contact level and check the history there. The reason behind this is because at scale if there were 100s of contacts under one account and all contacts are active and creating activities it would be difficult to sift through the activities and may cause performance issues due to the sheer amount of data being displayed which is why this limitation is in place.  
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Issue Issue Description When syncing records between Marketo and Dynamics, an error is received of "Marketo is unable to update the following records in Microsoft Dynamics" due to "A record was not created or updated because a duplicate of the current record already exists".   Solution Issue Resolution The reason for that error is due to custom de-duplication rules set up in Dynamics, specifically when Marketo inserts a lead record or updates lead and contact records. There are a couple ways this issue can be addressed: 1) Your team can review the custom de-dupe rules in Dynamics and open them up so Marketo can insert/update records. We recommend this step first! 2) There is a Support tool that will allow suppression of the de-duplication rules set up in Dynamics for the sync user. With this tool, the sync user will be able to insert leads for the first time or updating a lead or contact. This process isn't typically recommended as a first step because it can lead to duplicate records being created, but if you'd like the suppression enabled, please reach out to Marketo support with the details of your request. Who This Solution Applies To Dynamics Users
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Issue Running a Revenue Cycle Explorer report on Opportunities shows programs from long ago are being credited for those Opportunities through Multi-Touch (MT) Attribution measures. Solution When using Multi-Touch measures, past programs will also be credited if a contact on the Opportunity achieved success in the program. A possible workaround could be to utilize Filters in the RCE report to try to narrow the results.      
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Issue Why does the record in Marketo do not have an Opportunity when its matching synced Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity? Solution The Opportunity of the Contact in Salesforce does not have an Opportunity Contact role. "Marketo associates Opportunities and contacts using Opportunity Contact Roles. Opportunities without any Contact Roles assigned will sync to Marketo, but won't belong to anyone. For example, the person won't qualify the Has Opportunity filter." SFDC Sync - Opportunity Sync If the Contact in Salesforce has an Opportunity Contact Role, reach out to Marketo Support to check if there is a sync backlog.   Who This Solution Applies To Customers who has Salesforce integrated to Marketo
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Issue:   You or your sales reps are getting an error when editing your leads or contact records in Salesforce saying "The record you were editing was modified by Account Marketo during your edit session".   This error will usually occur in Salesforce when you are in the Edit page in while at the same time the Marketo sync is updating that same record by our periodic API sync. While this error occurs very rarely, and usually by performing mass updates from Marketo (usually by batch campaigns).   Resolution:   Here are some steps you can take from a Marketo perspective to resolve or significantly reduce the chances of this error occurring:        1. Change the process that you use to update records in Salesforce - You can successfully reduce this error by using Inline editing (by double clicking on the individual field on the record) as opposed to doing a mass update of multiple fields on 1 record (by using the Edit button).   Inline Editing - As the screenshot below shows, this done by double clicking on the individual field on your record then updating the field and then pressing the "Save" button or double pressing on the Enter key on your keyboard.   Mass Editing - this is done by first pressing the "Edit" button on the record's detail page, which will then take you the the Edit page where you can mass update multiple records then press the "Save" button.        2. Increase the Salesforce sync interval time - Another option to reduce the the possibility or receiving this error is to reduce the number of times that Marketo syncs with Salesforce. This option in effect increases the time between Marketo and salesforce syncs.  (The default is 5 minutes.)  The downside to this option is that updates made in Marketo will take a longer to sync to Salesforce and vice versa. If you want to proceed with this option, you will need to contact Marketo support to get your sync wait time increased.    
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Here's how you can use tokens and URL parameters to automatically assign leads to Salesforce campaigns after filling out a form.  These tokens work in all of the Salesforce campaign flow steps:   Add to Salesforce Campaign Change Status in Salesforce Campaign Remove from Salesforce campaign   Get the Salesforce campaign ID and status   You need two things to begin this process -- the name or ID of the Salesforce campaign you want to sync to and a valid status in that campaign.  You can get the ID for the campaign by opening that campaign in Salesforce and copying the last 15 characters from the URL.  Here's an example campaign URL; the ID is highlighted:   To get the valid statuses, click on "Advanced Setup" on the campaign's page     The status should be listed there:     Create new fields   First, you need to create two new fields -- "SFDC Campaign ID" and "SFDC Campaign Status" -- both of type "string".  You can create these on your lead and contact records in Salesforce, or contact Marketo support to add those custom fields in your Marketo account.   Create or edit the form   After you create those fields, the next step is to incorporate them into your forms.  Create a new form or edit an existing form, then drag those two fields into your form.  Make them both hidden fields and set them to populate from a URL.  If you're unfamiliar with them, this article on hidden fields has details on how they work. Making a Field Hidden on a Form When setting the values for those fields, use a real Salesforce campaign ID and status as the default value.  Here's how you might edit the settings for those fields:   SFDC Campaign ID: Default Value: [a real Salesforce campaign ID or name] Populate from: URL Parameter Parameter name: campaignID   SFDC Campaign Status: Default Value: [a real Salesforce campaign status for the campaign you chose] Populate from: URL Parameter Parameter name: status   And here's what your form might look like when done:   Now you have a form that automatically add leads to the default Salesforce campaign you selected and that you can override with URL parameters.   Create a Smart Campaign   Next, you need to create a campaign that will add these leads to the selected (or default) Salesforce campaign.  We'll trigger this campaign to launch whenever someone fills out your form: In the flow, first you need to sync the lead to Salesforce so that you can add it to a campaign.   Then you can add it to the Salesforce campaign using the values in the SFDC Campaign ID and SFDC Campaign Status fields.  To do this, use the tokens for those fields in your flow step:  {{Lead.SFDC Campaign ID}} for the campaign name and {{Lead.SFDC Campaign Status}} for the status.  If you type "{{" in the fields, the auto-suggest will help you enter that text correctly:     Your finished flow should look like this:     Finally, in the schedule tab set this campaign to run every time and activate it.     Launch your landing page   If you modified a form already in use, you can now go to that landing page, fill out the form, and watch as your lead gets synced to the Salesforce campaign you chose.  If this is a new form, create and approve a new landing page which uses that form.  After filling out the form, you should see the lead added to the default Salesforce campaign specified in your form:     Use URL parameters to override the default campaign and status.  For our forms, the campaign is set by the "campaignID" URL parameter and the status by the "status" URL parameter.  For example, this URL: will assign the lead to the Salesforce campaign "701A00000009K3l" (the Salesforce internal ID) with the status "Responded."  If either value has spaces or special characters, make sure that you URL encode them before adding them to your URL.   Using tokens in other Salesforce campaign flow steps   These tokens work in all of the Salesforce campaign flow steps -- Add, Remove, and Change Status in SFDC campaign.  Follow the same directions as above but substitute the appropriate flow step in place of the Add to SFDC Campaign step.   Diagnosing errors   If your leads are not syncing to your Salesforce campaigns, first go to the Activity Log for that lead and double click the line that has the failed flow step. The information that appears will help you figure out what the problem might be. The most common errors you'll encounter are: Spelling errors in your tokens -- use the autosuggest to help Using an SFDC campaign ID or name that doesn't exist -- check the spelling of the campaign or ID The lead doesn't exist in salesforce -- sync the lead to Salesforce before adding him/her to your campaign Using a status that doesn't exist for that campaign -- change the status to one that does exist for the campaign, or add a new status to the campaign in Salesforce
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Issue:   You create Marketo campaigns but they are not showing up in Sales Insight in Salesforce. The steps below illustrates all the steps that are required to make these campaigns show in Sales Insight.     Resolution:   1. Make sure the trigger campaign in Marketo that you want to access through Sales Insight is using the "Campaign is Requested" trigger with a source of "Sales Insight" This is a article attached image   2. Activate the campaign you created in Step 1 above from the "Schedule" tab of your campaign. This is very important. If the campaign not activated, it will never show up in Sales Insight.  
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By default – when sending an email via Sales Insight, the “From Email Address” that will be used to send the email will be the user’s email address on their User Profile. As it turns out, there is actually a way to use an alternative email address for Sales Insight!   DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t mean that users can select an email address to be used upon send (best to create an idea in the community!). However, it does allow emails to be sent out with a different From Address if users don’t want to use their default email address. Go to Marketo > Admin > Sales Insight. If you scroll down to the bottom of the module, you will find a Settings section with an ‘Email From Field’ field. By default, the initial and only value will be Salesforce/MSD User Email Address (depending on the native CRM integration used by the customer).   This is a article attached image   In order to select an alternative email, a custom Email Address field should be placed on the User object in the CRM.   To do this in SFDC: 1) Go to SFDC > Setup > Build > Customize > Users > Fields 2) Create a custom field of type Email – refer to the SFDC docs if necessary. ( Have the new field be visible to the Marketo Sync user. In the below example, the custom field is labelled Alternative Email: This is a article attached image   In Marketo: 1) Wait a sync cycle (or two) for the field to sync over to Marketo 2) Go to Admin > Sales Insight > Edit Settings and the custom field is now available   This is a article attached image   Changing this will affect following email sends from Sales Insight.   Remember, this is not a method to select email addresses on send – this will affect all sends from all users after the From Address Field is updated.
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