We have 4 streams. Each stream is dedicated to a specific topic and people are added regarding what pdd/whitepaper was downloaded.So we can use the utm_content field, which is the ...
That was really helpful, thanks @Darshil_Shah1. Now, what if I don't know what was their initial stream? Let's say I have 4 streams. One of the streams was all consumed now I want ...
Hi community!
I was reading some posts about transitioning people between streams and the first recommendation is to avoid transition rules and use batch campaigns. Now, is there ...
So, there is no way to create a link to the actual lead object instead of the contact object? And, a lead cannot be converted into an Opportu...
Hi@Darshil_Shah1thanks for the reply.
Well, basically, the sales rep has to do some work on the lead first, before converting it into an Opportunity (that's the explanation from th...
Hi, I'm usinghttps://mycompany.my.salesforce.com/{{lead.SFDC Id}} to send a Slack message with the lead info in Salesforce. However, that link is sending me to the Contact record i...
Hi guys!
We are migrating our CMS (Contentful -> Webflow) and I was wondering if I missing something to get ready for that.
I'm thinking in move the munchkin code, the embedded f...
Hi community,
I have this scenario where a lead is created after a form is completed, but also, when the form is completed it redirects to a Calendly link that creates a record on...
Hi community, I'm adding this line in my preheader, but the comma is disappearing, I tried using HTML entity code but nothing. Any ideas?
Preheader line
Subject + Preheader