Anyone else having issues with new outlook + calendar tokens? We have launched a new webinar series. We use velocity script that puts relevant calendar tokens into the registration...
Have the option to see date someone registered via a subscription reportBring back the Marketo check-in app, we have had to create work-around solution which is not as good, its ba...
It was the same for us. If we had notice, we would have downloaded the app on all our ipads, now we are left with a few ipads with Marketo installed and now scrambling to try find ...
This is helpful e.g 'data value change and reason'. Did you create this as a 'smart list' or a 'report' as cannot see option in Email performance report.
The following are either incomplete or not available and are important to run our campaigns effectively:
No Landing page performance link report -cannot see the total number of c...
Scheduling option to activate triggers (can schedule expiration but not activation!)
'Fills out form' filter - badly need a 'time' constraint e.g fills out form between these time...
Thanks all for helping! I have now a solution that allows me to track:
1. who subscribed and is new as part of a campaign
2 who subscribed and was existing in Marketo as part of a...
so my smart campaign is tracking who fills out our form (we have standardised forms) on a specific landing pages. Every event registration form has an opt-in box. I just want to kn...
Hi all
I want to track who opted in to our comms as part of specific campaigns, how do i set up that smartlist? So for eg we held a webinar and many people attended and i suspect, ...