It would be nice when cloning a program to a new campaign folder that doesn't exist yet, to have the option to select "Create new campaign folder" from the pull down menu.
My trigger is clicked link or viewed web page but didn't fill out form, but I do to look at the list of the people who did fill out the form carefully and check against the names o...
What I do for a particular campaign is add the following to the flow:Unsubscribe = FalseAdd to list = (the campaign suppression list)and because we have an opt out type pick list i...
There are times when I have to change more than one type of data value for a lead/contact and it's a pain to have to do it one by one. It would be nice to have the option below the...
The fastest way to do it is to sync your Marketo Program to the SFDC campaign. In your Marketo program, under program actions, select salesforce campaign sync, a pop up box will ap...