Hi@Darshil_Shah1thank you. I found the mentioned condition. Unfortunately the logging of the MKTO LP npage does not seem to be consistent. Calling the same page with different pURL...
Hi everyone,a while ago I realized that Marketo does not seem to be consistent about if it realizes the URL or the Name of a landing page.
Sometimes it reverences the "visit web p...
Hi everyone,I'm starting with the use of pURLs. I already integrated the pURL fix from SanfordWhitemanso recognizing the user worked pretty fine. I'm able to show lead tokens in th...
Hi@SanfordWhitemanjust want to say. .... thanks so much. Your code is pretty cool and works fine. Had a small issue about the poID as I - like others - first used the wrong ID but ...
Hi,I activated pURLs in our account and fixed them on our Marketo Landingpages like Sanford suggested inhttps://blog.teknkl.com/tag/purl/. This works pretty fine.As most of our web...
Hi@SanfordWhitemanThanks a lot. You're the best.So it seems like custom actitivies aren't the solution for us. In that case it seems as I have to focus link clicks and other actiti...
Hi everyone,I'm currently concepting some of our custom tracking activities and wondered about how we can realize this the best way. From what I read "custom activites" would be a ...
Hi Yavor,looks like you created an arrey of events but you ask for the eventTyp of 0 only.
output "FormLoad"
Hi Katja,luckily was able to solve the issue 🙂Thank youAbout your question. My issue was that I simply was not able to set the filter to "today".I thought I have to use the "is" s...