Hey Ignace-From the form editor, you click on the select field you want to save - that'll bring up the properties menu for that field in the right column. From there, you'll look f...
You should be able to add the editable syntax to a <td>, <table> or any other element in your email. I usually use a tabled approach for the structure of the email and then nest a ...
It looks like only the first checkbox has the Instruction text setup on the parent div as a title attribute. The others for some reason do not have the title attribute on the ".mkt...
Hey Benjamin, does the URL for these fonts actually have the /fonts bit in the URL?If that's the case, Marketo probably won't pick it up b/c it doesn't read the child-level folders...
I think you might also be able to get away with changing your field labels settings from "Left" to "Above". It looks like they're displayed "left" in the screenshot, but on most of...
Im not aware of any limitations that you'd have to consider when setting up Bootstrap with Marketo -- it'll do just about anything you can do anywhere else on the front-end. I norm...
Check out card groups and card decks, they both are native solutions for equal height columns. https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/card/#card-layout I tried to fiddle arou...
Hey Christine, could you add a link to a page with one of the forms where this issue is happening? I can dig into the CSS a little and see if I can surface something for you. Sound...
This got me thinking that you might also be able to use fieldsets to create columns for your inputs and then tab down the first column and then up to the top of the second. You'd n...
Hey Callum-I think what you're seeing here is that the pop-up form loads after the other forms on the page. This usually has something to do with where it's placed in the HTML or s...