Hey Holly-If you look on line 42 of the screenshot of your header CSS, you'll see.em_defaultlink a { color:inherit !important;text-decoration: none !important; }in CSS, this reads ...
Thanks Dan-I had another look and wasn't able to find anything outstanding there, thanks for having a look at other emails for a sanity check. It drives me nuts that I'm not sure w...
Hey Dan-I spun up a Litmus test using the code you posted - and also tested one of the buttons from the Carnival template for a sanity check (the HTML is much different, but I was ...
Hey Dan-It looks like there is a white border getting rendered around the <a> element. I dont see that in the code here, but it might be in the .button class in the CSS in the <hea...
Hey Christina-I had a look at the code for the Carnival template and noticed that when I changed the button color to Marketo Purple (#5A54A4), I was still seeing the pink color in ...
You might need to get creative and use something like the nth-of-type selector to target the third .mktoFormCol to resize it differently than the first two.That might look somethin...
Hey Sarah-If you're comfortable posting the HTML for the template you're working with, I'd be happy to take a look and see if I can help you thru this. Here's what I think might be...
Hey Scott-I wanted to see if there might be a way to tinker with the Rich Text Editor display, and here's a run-down of what I discovered. Not sure this answers the "add font to dr...
Hey Dan,You might need to add an editable area around your content to be able to make changes to it from within the Landing Page editor. Depending on which version of the editor yo...
Hey Ben, here's a few things you could try:1. Instead of using <div> or <p> elements in the email settings, try choosing "none". That way nothing extra gets added to your HTML and ...