In the form editor, you can click on your State field and then on theValues link in the right blue sidebar. That'll pull up the modal window in the middle of the screen. If you scr...
To put this into play at the template level and keeps things in line with your current experience, you'd want to add a new variable to the <head> of your template, just below theid...
To replace the Twitter logo with the new one, the best route that I've found for this is to replace the actual image that's loaded from your design studio.Let's say that right now ...
I also haven't found a way to resize the fixed columns, but you can slide around the "n:n columns" module to resize the columns manually there. The problem with that one is that I ...
Hey Ken, try moving the "https://" part to the outside of the token link.Here's a link to the docs with an example:
Sanford is spot on here.Here's a look at what a solution would look like in your code:<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="showNewHero" mktoname="Show New Hero?" default="true" true_value...
To add on here, once you do add the OG tags (Open Graph) to the head of your pages, what you've had in there previously may be cached in the different social networks. Each one has...
The questions I've asked myself after finding this out:- What could be the reasons for this rendering issue and other rendering issues we might have in Gmail? Do we have an error i...
You should be able to edit the HTML of any label using the native Marketo form editor.For most fields, you can click the pencil icon next to the Label input at the top of the Prope...
Unfortunately, the Marketo Form editor input for the Field Width is locked into just a number and doesn't let you add a unit value. This is tied into "px" on the back end so you mi...