Alright, I've got this working Almost perfectly, but I'm still running into one error:#if($lead.FirstName == "") there###elseif($lead.FirstName.contains("@")) there###elseif($lead...
Thanks! And yeah, it's definitely not perfect, but I think saying "Hi there," a to a few "AJ"s is an acceptable trade off for to not ever having obviously bad names, especially whe...
I'm currently use this email script token to clean up our first name field which often contains email addresses, periods, full names, and title case it, etc.#if($lead.FirstName == ...
We let people register for our webinars through a marketo form. In this form they can choose the date they want to attend the webinar in a drop-down selector box. Is it possible to...
Will this just delete everything after the first space? So for example, if their name is Ulrich von Liechtenstein, will this script just return "Ulrich"? That is what we are wantin...
I think I actually figured out a way to do it where multiple campaigns are not required. I just created a smart list that has everyone that was sent the first email within the past...
In Marketo we have a name field that stores a full name (always in the format of "firstname lastname"). I'm sure I can use a custom token script to trim that string to just first n...
Batch campaigns aren't scalable as there are far too many of these to support and all the scheduling would be a nightmare. That makes sense though, so in this case, if someone regi...