Do you have screen grab of what it looks like when you used: Arial, メイリオ, Meiryo, MS Pゴシック, MS PGothic, ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, sans-serif;I've been using this for...
Great Philip, I've watch a lot of the On-Demand video and the key downfall of them is that some of them are just live webinar records (that have random questions in the middle of t...
Is this the first of many updates? Some of the videos in the University are so out of date, dial up internet was still being used when Marketo created them i.e. presentations are u...
Jackie is correct, Marketo remembers an unsubscribed person even if you delete, I was always was too scared to take the chance (tested and it works). This means if you delete them ...
Shashank, these are the people I would 100% not remove from the database, it's very important that you keep all unsubscribers as you have to have a record of them so they never get...
Totally agree, though you can submit a Support case and ask them to add a robots.txt file to block, lots of discussions around this: Is there a way to add a robots.txt file for Dom...
What you are referring to is called Preview Text, this article from Litmus tells you all about it and how to fix: The Ultimate Guide to Preview Text Support - Litmus Blog.Don't wor...
Prinu, firstly the fields are locked in by Marketo and are the only one's available (not editable either), the aim is that it's meant to be quick and easy. I think I have a solutio...
Pros Better for reportingAllows you to override main program tokensEasier to clone and replicate emails sendsAllows you to do multi time zone sends easily (and get easy metrics on ...
Kristen, covers nearly 99.9% of all you can do, one extra step we have is we have QA process too, meaning once the Marketo user (any level) creates and finishes an email, the QA go...