If I'm following correctly, in your program or lead database (if you want to reuse it), create a static list called "list A". Then in your program create a Smart Campaign and set a...
That's why you should also add <span style="color:#1971c4;">Add to Calendar</span> in the Hyperlink Text section of the calendar too, this will at least change the link colour to w...
Have you thought of putting a class on the <p> tag before the calendar:<p class="calendar">{{my.calendar}}</p><p class="redcalendar">{{my.calendar}}</p>Then write your CSS like thi...
You can change your default colour in using the style in the head, e.g.<style type="text/css">a:link, a:visited, a:hover { color:#1971c4; text-decoration:none; }</style>This will b...
If the files aren't in the Marketo Design Studio, then you have to setup a robots.txt file on the server that hosts the files. See this helpful page from Google - Learn about robot...
We're using Workfront (https://www.workfront.com/marketing/ ), it allows our Marketing team to request different types of Marketing projects including Marketing Automation, then wh...
Answer 1In your code you have.mktoButtonWrap { margin-left: 180px !important; }That's what's pushing the button to the right, change to.mktoButtonWrap { margin-left: 0 !important; ...