Hi Ayush Aggarwal! The available device/platform values will populate in the constraint when you click on the down arrow. I've included a screenshot below. Then, you can filter th...
Hey Sathish Kumar! Karan Hari is spot on with that thread. Another alternative is to use a combination of filters: Email was delivered + Visited web page: [web page linked to in ...
I think your hunch of the 5 Google Analytics visitors are unknown people in Marketo is correct. Have you tried testing this out with your own known Marketo record?
There are definitely some ways to ensure you delete the appropriate records. I'd try pulling a smart list with the following filters:Original Source Type = salesforce.comSFDC Is De...
Robert Stanley - Another option that my solve your problem would be to build a set of smart lists with the "Had Interesting Moment" filter and the appropriate 'Description' constr...
Hi Nadia, I echo Grace's suggestion from above. Not necessarily related to the email client, but related to additional user insights - if you use either the 'opened email' or 'clic...
I know this varies across organizations and there are a lot of outliers (lead scanner devices vs. not, notes entered vs. not) that make setting a firm SLA more difficult. The short...
We've also seen this happen recently, but only when trying to sync 'Contacts' to a specific queue. The queue is setup for leads only, but odd that if a Contact qualifies it's creat...
Like Jessica Kao mentioned, there are many data appending vendors. We use Clearbit with webhooks but have the ability upload batches directly through Clearbit's interface.