I still don't see where you can tag content (similar to tagging programs). For example, where do I tag a piece of content as "Healthcare"?You can set your categories under Content ...
ContentAI is to Predictive what Person was to Lead -- they are the same thing, just new name. AI-bandwagon?In Content-AI Analytics, Conversions do not include un-gated content -- I...
I can't think of a good way other than creating a SC for each email and ANOTHER set of SCs for each link IN each email (can be a lot if you track multiple links per email). Then al...
what type of bottom-line data are you looking for?One option is Email Insights, set your date range, then view by week and you'll get your overall performance.
a lot of it comes down to what you're looking for and how well your system and/or naming conventions are setup. I've found a lot of value being able to check device, location and e...
I don't believe there's a way to do this -- mainly, the ContentAI renders after the email is opened for the first time, so the subject line would already be in stone before any con...