a lot of it comes down to what you're looking for and how well your system and/or naming conventions are setup. I've found a lot of value being able to check device, location and e...
I don't believe there's a way to do this -- mainly, the ContentAI renders after the email is opened for the first time, so the subject line would already be in stone before any con...
I use it. it's come along way, already, in just the last few quarterly updates. But most importantly the Analytics screen that they enabled in December is fantastic. Among other me...
Add it at the end of your variable declarations in the headerexample:<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="mktNoTok" mktoName="Disable Marketo Token?" default="false" false_value="" true_v...
Just for reference of anyone else finding this thread -- the correct syntax to use is:In the header:<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="mktNoTok" mktoName="Disable Marketo Token?" defaul...
I've had to add mktNoTok="true" class to some of my links, but that's only been when sending to a third party that doesn't support it (and it really isn't needed at that point anyw...