Hi Kristen Carmean -- I'm a bit late to this thread, but looking to expand #3, when you reference "calendar object" is this referencing 'todays date' (I believe, yes), and/or is t...
Agreed to all, above. One big thing we make sure to do is always suppress (whether using your "Is Employee" flag or whatever smart list someone may have) these leads from your CRM....
thanks - turns out there was both a glitch and a typo -- in that I had a token in a token... what a bonehead move. That then caused velocity errors even when resolved.. but after I...
here's my header (I copied it from a template, so I'm not even sure what velocity scripting is)<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>Spigit</title><meta http-equiv="Content-T...
I think Marketo may have pre-built this snippet into new instances; we just launched in June and I have a "blank snippet" which basically has a 1px space hard coded (I think the co...