Yippee, happy to hear the updates are now showing. The updates were happening every 24 hours in the middle of the night Central time. If you run a campaign to update success or acq...
Hi Dan, since Account fields are read only, the value in Marketo will eventually be overwritten during the next sync.For CRM Contacts in Marketo you cannot manually edit Account fi...
Hi Diana, yes, it is normal behavior when you do a list import and set acquisition that records will automatically be set to the first program status. If you ever make an error whe...
Hi Dory, you are correct that you should see any records which you changed success for today, show up in RCE tomorrow since RCE only pulls in the new data each night.
Another great way to understand the differences is to remember that FT is Acquisition Attribution and success in the program is not required. MT is Success attribution.