Hi Charlotte,
If you are attributing the channels and lead sources, they can also be included in scoring the outcomes. Even the non-gated content might have some links or CTAs whi...
You can take extra measures for recording valid registrations:
1. Captcha is one way of suppressing spam attacks but it's not 100% foolproof. If they bypass it somehow, it's good t...
It would be great to have "select all" accounts feature in TAMwhere all the accounts need to be marked as named accounts if needed. Currently, we have to select accounts manually.
I experienced a similar situation when the master template was updated to accommodate a module change and manually we had to insert that module in each email. The good thing was th...
I second your thought. There can be a use case where all the accounts need to be marked as named accounts so I'm wondering if that can be enabled somehow.
I recently came across a scenario where a client wants all their 100K accounts to be marked as named accounts so they "all" can be associated with their Account scoring mechanism. ...
This is crisp and insightful Vinay!
Merging 2 instances can be very tricky if they are old or holding large no. of programs and data size. It's always a good option to prepare a ch...
@Noam13You'll need new API user in new instance.
When instance migration happens, it's recommended to setup the admin first. And if you still have records present in the old instan...