I second your thought. There can be a use case where all the accounts need to be marked as named accounts so I'm wondering if that can be enabled somehow.
I recently came across a scenario where a client wants all their 100K accounts to be marked as named accounts so they "all" can be associated with their Account scoring mechanism. ...
This is crisp and insightful Vinay!
Merging 2 instances can be very tricky if they are old or holding large no. of programs and data size. It's always a good option to prepare a ch...
@Noam13You'll need new API user in new instance.
When instance migration happens, it's recommended to setup the admin first. And if you still have records present in the old instan...
You can set up a weekly subscription in Admin and select one of the existing parameters only and not beyond those.
Account smartlists have the flexibility to customize columns ...
The Campaign inspector will help you search all the campaigns with Behaviour Score in their flow steps andI second on@Darshil_Shah1's recommendation on using Behaviour and Demograp...
Here are other alternatives you can try
This feature is very handy and acts as a central location where you can see all the campaigns in their active/inactive/recurring/already run/never run stages.
I was once troublesh...
@anissabrachAn empty email address is one scenario yes. Some of the Lead stages specific to sales cycles can also be restricted. For example when a person becomes sales accepted or...