Hi,I am trying to run a report where I can see the individual email engagement metrics for each person in a group of leads over a given period of time. The output of this report wo...
I have a situation where I need to trigger some automation in Marketo immediately upon a lead record owner change in Salesforce. Does anyone know of a way to force the lead update ...
Hi everyone,I've built a program that I need to implement in multiple engagement streams. Here is the smart list step that I've built and the stream:When a lead hits this step in t...
We are hiring a Marketo user and will be giving 3 candidates a test. We do not want them to see each others work. Is it possible to create a folder for each candidate in marketing ...
We are trying to redirect new leads who submit a certain webform to 3 different URL's based on their new lead score. This score is determined by the values they chose in the fields...
We have a form that existing leads will be visiting. We want to obtain certain information on that lead if we do not currently have it. Is there a way to display, to each individua...
We have an Opt-In Monster lightbox pop up form on our website. Once a contact fills this form out (Name, email) they are taken to a Marketo landing page with another form. We would...
We are changing our landing page URLs from info.myoldcompany.com -> info.mynewcompany.com and our email url's from go.myoldcompany.com -> go.mynewcompany.com. We have links all ove...