Thanks guys helpful stuff here.I was hoping I could accomplish this without having to use Apex but it seems like that may be the only option.Here is the business need: We have a Ca...
Hi Cassie!Yes we are in the process of implementing Chilipiper and they are an amazing company to work with! They have taken every step to ensure that their solution works perfectl...
A couple questions on the thread above,1. If I want to make a dynamic unsubscribe like described here (using a snippet w/ segmentations), will I need to go and place that snippet o...
Yes, Absolutely!Right now we actually would just like to have these 2 "tier" URL redirects (in the future we would like to branch out to more):Lead Score = -300-50 -> Medium Office...
Hey Sanford,Thanks for helping out! This is our Ruleset Sheet.The field score column is what we are using as the lead score value in Marketo.Let me know if this doesn't make sense.
This is the Javascript we ended up using!<script>function getUrlParameter(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name ...
These wont appear in the query string and we have too many forms in OM to build each one in Marketo and customize it in. After discussing with colleagues, it seems the only way to ...