There are also text tokens. You could use rich-text token from the HTML version of the email and a text token for the TEXT version of the email.Also, snippets already support this ...
If you use "Fieldsets" in your forms, then you can make one fieldset of rich-text areas that would be displayed if the lead's email is already known. You can make the visibility ru...
You can use Web Page Activity report and add a smart list indicating they visited that specific LP, in addition to having whatever other criteria was part of the original targeted ...
If you double-click an editable section, you can drag the "Image" icon from the right pane into the rich-text editor. This will bring up a picker for images that have been uploaded...
Click the customize your own search engine on the right-hand side and add all the URLs you want to be searchable. It won't automatically search pages unless you tell it to.
You can do this in Design Studio. Navigate to something like the Landing Pages overview grid and then multi-select a few pages and click "Landing Page Actions"
Can you go into details a bit more about what doesn't look great? You'll have to describe it more so we know what your idea is. Currently, Forms 2.0 are automatically responsive. Y...