Just FYI - these templates will be updated continuously and we do test them across all devices.There is an update to every single "Starter Template" that will be launched inside of...
Not yet, Outlook for Mac (client version) doesn't even support plugins yet so it's currently only technically possible to build something for Office 365 Outlook Web Access (OWA). W...
Use this link to download new templates: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnyeJJCbcDMjkQot_Tz-w0JleffL Then let me know if you still see the issue when you use an image with the recommended siz...
The "Save as Template" button in Email Editor 2.0 will continue to function as it does today. You are saving the current design of your email, as you see it in the canvas, as a new...
If you use the "Save as Template" button in the Email Editor it will save out your currently designed email in the canvas as your new template. So, if your canvas contains 4 of the...