This is fixed. You will need to create a new email, as the patch couldn't fix existing ones. Anyway, you shouldn't see this anymore. Any number of modules/variables should work.
So, I've found in that template that if the aspect ratio is such that the logo is much much wider than tall (doesn't matter the resolution, just proportions) then the header won't ...
I tried every rendering tool! I was using Litmus + emailonacid + 250ok I also personally tested on a physical Windows 10 machine with Outlook 2016 and I am still seeing this:Fear n...
This is so strange! I will look into it more with this template but here is what I get in both Litmus and when I test on Windows 10 / Outlook 2016. All you did was replace the imag...
which template? I can't reproduce this. I have created a new email from Flatiron and then edited the hero image and added an entirely different image that was 640x276 (the recommen...