Malik,Could you provide a bit more information? In a smart campaign, a flow step of 30 days means when the lead reaches that step, they wait 30 days, then proceed with the rest of ...
Frank,Don't forget to first bring in each field in the field management area of admin to double check it is not being actively used in any smart lists, reports, smart campaigns, et...
Sarah,You cannot merge via smart campaign because you will not be able to view the conflicted fields where you need to choose one value to overwrite. Merging leads can only be done...
Just opening this up again as I came across this issue. The above resolution will not work if you're looking for leads in ANY engagement program as leads in only one engagement pro...
So if you're looking for leads without an activity, pull in "Not Activity Was Logged: Subject is not empty". Clear the default constraint of "Date of Activity".Also make sure you'r...
Jessica,The wait step will wait 4 hours and then wait until the very next "Mon-Fri", which would be at 12a on Monday. But what you can do is choose a time for "Must End On" so the ...
Tara,The filters you can use are:"Email Address: is empty""Activity was logged: subject is not empty"This will show you all those without an email that have had a SFDC activity at ...
Marcel,Those are out-of-the-box channels. You can navigate to "Admin" > "Tags" > "Channel". Double click on each and view the progression steps and successes to determine which is ...