I've already tried using similar unique qualifier. The issue is, Marketo's smart list aren't only bringing back that record--it brings back the oldest version of that record. One t...
Use Case: Display Transaction Tables for each Store within an Email (this part has been solved with #foreach)Catch: In SFDC, the same Contact Email Address owns multiple stores, th...
We have an opening on the Uber CRM Expansion Team which would be responsible for all CRM-related items (Marketo, Salesforce, integrated platforms) with the UberEATS Restaurants tea...
Hi Jan,A quick solution we did for Montreal was to paste the English email HTML into a Rich Text object on a blank landing page. We then just link to it from our French emails. Jus...
I've seen this for multiple customers. Adding '##' after the desired output fixes it for me.#elseif ($lead.attribute == "XYZ")Display this##Before it would show "... Display this ....
Absolutely agree. We put the subject lines within tokens or the description to help save time but the preview would dramatically speed up the search process.
But will tracking still occur if I'm not setting a variable containing a url but instead just displaying a link if the condition is met?#if ($field1 == "bread")www.google.com#elsei...
Hi Jasmine,Are we sure this isn't coincidence and the lead is opening it too? Is he cc'ing himself on the communications through the Outlook plugin or including himself on the list...