I have the XLS prepared with the contact's email address and account numbers. Account numbers that are primarily numeric (but not in all cases) and presented all within the sa...
Thank you.
A few clarifying questions, please.
First detail to note: the gift card download is from third party retailer (e.g. Starbucks).
You are saying to set up as Program Memb...
In a mass email blast, each unique lead (person) will have a unique web address (URL) found within the body of the email. The web address will link to an online gift card for t...
OK, this seems to be an alright work-around for 480px screen and lower.
.mktoForm .mktoAsterix {
position: absolute;
left: -10px;
Unless you have a better method?
.mktoForm .mktoAsterix
Need to target this for 480px and below media query. I am able to do that, but how can I target just one instance of the asterix where the positioning is not...
If the options are check boxes in the form, and I insert an image to the right, now the issue is with mobile phone. The image then falls under the various tick box options. How cou...
Yes, I can view all the code successfully in the asset. Nothing is in error there.
Back to the template I had cloned... Why won't it allow me to edit or preview? I do not understa...
Support suggested cloning the same template to make edits. I tried that, and I cannot get into edit mode. Something is not working. (why won't the clone allow me to edit draft?)
Unable to edit a template that is 'unapproved' marked with the orange circle.
I assume it's because under the Used by tab it is tied to a few email campaigns of the past.
What do ...
I got it to work by pulling in the URL of the form via an iframe. I had to set the height of the iframe container in order for entire form to display so that it'd be compatible on ...