Hi Lia-I assume by your first question that you mean that you have the program directly connected to SFDC. Once the sync is initially done, there are no further updates sent down s...
Hi Mariah-You could send the data from FORM 1 (org 1) to ORG 2 via a Webhook. ORG 2 would treat it like an inbound API submission (HTTP POST). Kim and Rajesh are correct that there...
I think it gearing them up for mobile interface (which will be awesome) and they will work through some customer feedback in the early stages of this rollout.
I've not been able to use Chrome to access the new UI of Marketo (perpetual state of "Loading") and I was wondering if there had been an official supported browser/plug-in notice o...
Anyone else feel like the merging of records within Marketo is taking forever? I could understand that if the records were ones that were connected to the CRM it would take a bit o...