Hi folks-How do you alert other companies that something of their Marketo usage is broken or bad? Reason I ask is that I don't want to use their website Contact Us (because I reall...
Hi Lauren-We haven't done a full blown MKTO/GS connections so not totally familiar with the tokens and to what degree they can be generated. That being said, GS is built very much ...
Hi Lauren-Couple of things -once they get you implemented, they do little to no CSM outreach themselves, part of the engine that executes certain procedures in the app is the user ...
Hi Lindsey-I have the same issue - I think it is a weird side effect of the MSI functionality. It does not even have to be a template that marketing makes available through the MSI...
Hi Anupam-Instead of controlling it at a Profile level inside of SFDC, you should be able to grant the MSI visual force elements via Permission Set (which is easier to control than...
Hi Jason-Couple of questions - how are the team members shown in your CRM today? Are they lookup fields beyond native ownership fields? Contact Team members? You could set up some ...
Hi Brian-I second Kimi's reply - we had a similar situation - however, make sure that you put a field in to hold the value of the email address of the lookup of the "secondary" own...