Hi all,I have a field whose value is constantly changing (I think it's called a burner field?). The field value is a customized URL that is assigned to any targeted list of leads, ...
Hi,Has anybody tried to build out a form that allows only certain users to pass through? Is is possible to build out a form that will keep non-clients from entering?Is there a logi...
Hi all,I'd like to send an email to a list of registrants that contains a survey. I browsed through Marketo's product docs page and on communities posts, but it seems like Marketo ...
Hi,I'm sending samples to my outlook email and my table keeps showing up as left-aligned when it should be right-aligned. But when I preview email in Marketo, the table is right-al...
Thanks Greg,I submitted a case - the Support Team said I'd need to edit the field and change its type to something like text area in order to see values that were checked, since my...
Hi all,I'm setting up an Alert Email and I'm adding tokens to capture values from their respective form fields. I'm using custom lead fields for certain questions on the form. I've...
Hi,I cloned over a list from another program, but then realized that the program statuses had not changed. I wanted to revert them all back to initial program status "queued", so I...