I'm posting this to see what other people have to say about it/see if there's any insights or drawbacks to how I have an email program set up.Basically, I ran into the issue that m...
Hey Jenn, why wouldn't you embed the email program within the web content program? Is there a benefit to having the email program completely separate from the web content program?
Nope. I want to send it as a one-off to the seller who sent the email, but they don't always own the contact in SFDC. At this point, I'm just going to send the alert to the SFDC ow...
Thanks for the reminder, Dan! I generally only use triggered alerts, so it's good to have a refresher on that point when setting up new campaigns. This kind of alert would be trigg...
Awesome, that makes sense (I'd used the "send to other emails" field, but never thought of created a token for email addresses like that, but I will use that everywhere now!)If I d...
Hey Conor, do you know if there's a way to send the alert to the person attempting to email the lead/contact even if they are not the SFDC owner? For example, we have people who ow...
I'm creating a triggered Smart Campaign and one of my filters is "Member of SFDC Campaign." I'm trying to filter out people with a specific member status within the campaign (in th...