Thanks again for trying to decode what it is I'm trying to do here 🙂 You were right there. So if I wanted to prepend say "ADV" in front of a value on hidden ...
Hey fellow marketo people -
I have a question for you guys. I'm not sure if this has been addressed somewhere else here (if that's the case could someone help me find that page/ar...
That's great to hear that I can use Bulk Extract for this. Are you aware of any documentation around this...? I ask because I've come across a link in Git Hub but...
Hi there,
Was wondering if it was possible to use the Bulk Extractor (or some other way) to pull email performance data into Tableau. Any advice here would help.
I'm thinking about anonymous / unknown people. So if I'm unknown and enter then I wouldn't fit into a segment and the minute I click off our WordPress page to a Marketo page my seg...
Investigating dynamic landing page content. Basically setting up a Preferred Language Segment & then using that to populate a Landing Page Snippet so that I have 1 landing page but...
Hey Sandy -
Thanks for the tip. So, if I were to go to JS route, I would put that in the page template and I could then get it to populate myPreferred Language field with a value ...
Hi all -
So I have a language parameter in our URLs. For example,?lang=fr . I also have a Preferred Language field in Marketo. What I'd like to do/curious about how to do this, is...
Hey guys,
So big thanks to the people that put the JS out that to block "free" email addresses from form submissions. My question is, how do I get it so that the alert that pops u...