Hey Christina,We'd need to see the code to really be able to provide the fix but likely this an interaction of image size + background size/repeat instructions in the code. Likely ...
Hey Callum,You'll need to be more specific about exactly where in the form you want to change the padding - an annotated screenshot or a design of how it should look would be helpf...
Hey Elise,Q1: when you ask where the link was created, do you mean how did they shorten it, or do you mean where within an email would it be placed? If the former, it's shortened v...
Hi Gabby,The flow of assets will still go in top to bottom order as they would in any nurture, the only difference would be that any content set to "not available" on the scheduled...
Hey Nadia,Email insights will give you some detail on device, OS, etc, but won't drill down to the client level.Many of us use Litmus's analytics features to source this data (I d...
Hey Jamie,Nope, unfortunately you cannot create smart lists within the Analytics section; they can really only be created within Marketing Activities and Database.
Completely agree with the points about spotting budget leaks and identifying those "it's been here forever and no-one remembers why" parts of the stack... solving those can be simp...
Totally agree with 1, 2, and 3! Great advice, completely agree that the people who do well are often the ones who instinctively answer questions with "I'll find out" instead of "I ...