Agree with all Joe Reitz's suggestions! It's hard to squish some of these things into a short video, but I'd be interested in hearing about some creative solutions that people hav...
I love my Marketo drink bottles and fitbit - I always like to see things I'm actually going to use. So +1000 to socks, laptop sleeves and munchkin plushies
Glad to hear that it worked, Mariah!I would suspect what's then happened here is that, in your list imports, you're updating that Mailing State field and not the State field. Unles...
Sorry Mariah, did mean the results tab (it is basically a history log of that smart campaign). I can't say I've ever seen a time out on flows in a smart campaign. Certainly there's...
Hey Mariah - can you look this person up in the smart campaign history log and see what that says?To me this suggests that there's a logic error in your smart campaign that's preve...
Hey Mariah Menendez,When you say "it's not working as planned", what do you mean? What does happen? From what I can see, yes, specifying the state values you're looking to correct...
Devraj Grewal is right - I would look at an email link report for the email(s) of concern, and check how many clicks are actually to the landing page URL. If the disparity is stil...
I've experienced this issue too and have always found that opening and re-saving the template fixes it; I believe it's some kind of bug that corrupts the template occasionally when...