Hi Jeff,I don't believe we exclude email invalid leads from that count - however, I'm in Support not Sales so I don't know all of the details on that. I've been told that we *do* e...
Hi Michael,Unless that lead is being told to sync immediately by a smart campaign which uses a Salesforce related flow step (like "Sync Lead to SFDC"), updates like the one you des...
You can go down to seconds, but note that wait steps in the minutes or seconds are likely to take significantly longer than you expect, depending on whether or not there are other ...
This is actually built in to Marketo, as Jenn described.Think of the behavior as part of Marketo's durable unsubscribe. In each Marketo instance, whether or not an email address is...
Hi Kristy, try creating a custom lead field to hold the date, and then have a recurring smart campaign which updates the field's value earlier that day using the {{system.date}} to...
When you say:"1 - invitation - send email, change program status to invijted, sync to salesforce
2 -Confirmation - Change program status to Registered (webinar), add to SFDC campai...
Do you know if you were using a different channel for it's program statuses than the last webinar? Also, how was the email sent (smart campaign, email program, etc.)? This should h...
In that case, your best bet is to ask Support to delete the field for you (rather than just hide it), then you can have it start with a capital when you recreate it. If you need it...
Hi Joe,I think the main difference is that in SFDC, you can set upuniversalrules that apply for every single lead coming in unless told specifically to assign to someone else.In Ma...