I'm curious if anyone has done something like this before or has suggestions:I'm looking to build a smart campaign that will identify when a lead with a specific lead status earns ...
You'll have to do the same thing for the other types of fields, so if you have any textareas (which by your image, you don't), you'd also specify those.
select { color: #000000 !...
You can do this in Marketo by using a "Lead Performance" report and then just set the smart list filter to "Filled Out Form" and specify your form. Then add a constraint for "Date ...
Just a caveat to Jeff's response -- if you insert links via tokens into emails, you need to do so in the following format, or they will NOT track:
<p>This is my link: http://{{le...
One way is if you have a different form for each type of activity. For example, if you have a "Webinar" form, you could use a "Filled Out Form" filter, specify that form, then add ...
Depending on if you're wanting to do this in an email or on a landing page, there's varying degrees of difficulty (thanks to how email clients handle code). But in general, check o...