I don't think you'll be able to set this up globally, unless you wanted to delete the leads outright. You could set up a smart list with whoever you don't want to be included in th...
Thanks, Josh. I tried the Campaign Activity report and that sort of worked, but what I found was more effective was utilizing the Lead Performance report and just setting the smart...
I'm operating with a standard instance and would like to see membership trends for programs over time, but am not sure how to accomplish this.I've looked through a few of the repor...
Different channels provide different results--for PPC, a 0.4% CTR is not bad. It's all about getting your offerings out to as many people as possible, and maximizing the channels t...
This would be a nice thing to change, or have some kind of "live test" that could be sent. I know Litmus' spam check gets upset about having the word "TEST" in subject lines.
Jackie's suggestion is what I've done in the past (though with other MA providers, not Marketo). I would just create a basic landing page for whatever show the reps would be at tha...
I don't think you'll have much luck doing this in Marketo, unless you want to code something custom with the API. I don't think Marketo "knows" how many leads are assigned to who.Y...