Depending on if you're wanting to do this in an email or on a landing page, there's varying degrees of difficulty (thanks to how email clients handle code). But in general, check o...
You could do this a couple of different ways... either create custom fields for each player (e.g. player1_email, player2_email and so on), or you can make it a multi-stage form.Ass...
Try dropping it into the landing page template's HTML.Go into the Design Studio > Landing Pages > Find the template(s) of the pages that will have the form on them > Click "Edit Dr...
It likely has to do with the size of your images and the scaling you're doing. I would scale the images down to the size you actually intend on using them and save them at that siz...
Are you dropping the form onto a Marketo landing page or embedding it? If the former, you can try placing the conditional CSS in the landing page layout.As a side note: if you're t...
You can piece together a unique URL via tokens in an email. So if you want to send everyone in a list to[unique-value] you would need to create a field in ...
I actually have a document named "Outlook Sucks" where I keep notes about all the different peculiarities to remember for various email clients.Outlook will also ignore inline !imp...
It should be possible, but I doubt you could do this on a Marketo-hosted landing page, due to the need of server-side coding.You should start by looking at the Marketo cookie and p...
It depends on what you mean by "pure html." What I'm guessing you mean is using a template with all inline styles and not utilizing a stylesheet or CSS in your <head>.You can do it...